Dean's POV

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"Cas? Are you there? I can't see you."
"I'm here, Dean, is something wrong?"
Relief flooded Dean's face. "Thank God, you're here. I-I couldn't find you and- and I've looked all over. I'm so sorry." At this point tears had slipped from his eyes. He tried to hold them back by squeezing his eyes shut. He could feel the strong arms of Castiel wrap around him, holding Dean's head to his chest and his other hand whisper through hair.
"It's alright Dean, I'm here now. I'm not going to leave you." The former angel's deep voice reverberated through Dean's chest.
Dean nodded. Once he had stopped crying, he looked up at Cas. His jaw dropped open in shock. "Oh my God, Cas, you're bleeding!" Crimson rivers of blood cascaded down Castiel's forehead, pooling beneath his eyes and dropping into his trench coat. Cas' eyes widened like he was being strangled. He moved his mouth like he was trying to say something, but no words came out. Dean tried to move, but he couldn't. He was frozen in place, helplessly watching as Cas gulped for air, blood slowly leaking out if him, gathering at Dean's feet. And suddenly, it was gone. Cas and all his blood had somehow cleared up and there was nothing but black, but Dean still couldn't move. "It's all because of you," a voice hissed in his ear. It sounded like it was right behind him. "Cas?" Dean whispered weakly. " is that you?" The voice ignored him. "I'm going to die, and you won't even care."
"Cas, that's not true-" the voice cut him off, growing stronger with every word. "You're just going to let them torture me." Tears threatened to spill from Dean's eyes. "Cas, stop it. Please."
"But why should you care? All people do around you is die. Goodbye, Dean, have fun without me."
Dean woke in a cold sweat. His pillow was wet with tears. He stuffed a wad of sheet in his mouth and began to sob. He cried out all his pain, all his grief, everything he had been keeping back ever since Cas had been abducted. Dean lay back down. Tears silently streaming down his face. "Cas," he whispered," I will find you. I promise." And for the first time, the righteous man prayed.

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