Cas' POV

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Cas cracked his eyes open, looking directly into the light. He groaned and rolled into his side. God, he had to stop blacking out. "Shhhhh, just go back to sleep." Cas rocketed up to sitting position and he immediately regretted it. He gazed around the room, his eyes resting on the figure in the corner. He narrowed his eyes at a scrawny man lazily tracing patterns in the stone wall. "Which one are you?" Cas asked wearily. "Sloth," he answered. Wow. He really didn't waste time. "What are you going to do to me?" Cas tested. "Nothing, yet." Cas sighed. He just wanted it to be over with. Maybe if he just went to sleep, he'd never wake up. He'd never have to deal with the apocalypse, or his missing grace, or-wait a second- these weren't his thoughts! Sloth was effecting him somehow, just his presence in the room seemed to be tampering with his mind. Except one thing. He didn't care. So let him die down here. If he didn't worry about it, the demons couldn't hurt him. Let the world go on without him. Sam and Dean might beat themselves up about it, but they'd get over him. They always did. Cas saw it, after every death the Winchesters had been through. They wouldn't care, and why should they? He was just dead weight as a human. They only used him for his angel grace, and now that was gone, his purpose was served, and he could just fade away quietly. It was actually an easy way to go. Eventually the effect sloth had on him would slow his heart rate, shutting down his system. He would basically relax to the point of death. But it was fine. No one needed him. Castiel's lids fluttered. Behind his own eyes, an extremely vibrant green pair stared back. Dean rested his forehead on Cas' own. "I need you," Dean breathed. "Promise me you'll make it back to me, Cas. Promise me."
Castiel melted against Dean. "I promise." Cas cracked his eyes open. He hadn't noticed he had been crying, but a silent tear escaped his eye and trickled down his bruised cheek. He'd make it back to Dean one way or another.

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