Chapter Three

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A Meeting of Sorts

An aroma of wood fire, malted beer, salted beef, and old leather wafted to their noses as they entered the tavern. Though they were both relatively tall young women, they both felt small compared to the regulars that lined the bar and the tables. There were waitresses balancing towering platters of food and beer to the tables, and a loud murmur of voices over the bards playing in the back. The hostess smiled warmly at their entrance and entreated them to wipe off and get something warm to drink or eat. Kim sorrowfully declined, but showed the pamphlet, hoping to get some direction to the table.

The hostess smiled and brought them to the back, which made them feel like they were being taken someplace sketchy. At last, thankfully, they came to a den with a long table which seated fifteen diverse individuals. Some of them Kim recognized from earlier, but all looked curiously at their entrance. The stable girl seemed to shrink further behind her, but Kim squared her shoulders and grabbed two end seats. There was an arrangement of appetizers at the table, and to Kim's pleasant surprise, a flagon of hot chocolate, which she poured for her and her friend.

The conversation at the table was, for the moment, awkward and small, but no one argued against free food and warm shelter, though their real reason for being there hung in the back of their minds.

Then, the back door, that had been unnoticed until that very moment, opened to allow an old man to walk through. There was a heavy silence as his cane clumped on the wooden floor, surveying those who dared to answer his call.

"Welcome," he said, his voice loud and commanding, a stark contrast to what voice they had expected to come from him. "My name is Master Falkaway and I thank you for joining me today. I realize you have all come for your own reasons, and as to why, I care not. However, it is clear to me that some of you have more experience with going on daring adventures such as this. With this in mind, along with the fact that there is an important item which needs to be obtained, there is a sort of, would you call it, a test?" There was some murmuring around the table, but no one stood to leave. Master Falkaway continued.

"For this quest, I will ask for you to bring me a powerful gem, which I have located within the Hidden Palace of the Deep Forest." More loud murmuring ensued and two of the people that had come, immediately dismissed themselves. Nothing was worth going in there. The old man raised his hand and they fell silent.

"This gem will be incredibly valuable for your quest ahead, for its beauty is not the only thing it possesses. Once you have located and gathered the gem, you are to make your way to the White Citadel of Ilyum. I will meet you there at the Palace and give you further instructions." He paused for effect, then asked, "are there any questions?" But did not wait for a response before saying, "good, now you may eat and rest up if you wish, all is paid for." And he turned and left.

Immediately after the back door closed, they turned to each other with comments of the quest. One of the thirteen, a woman with long blonde hair and a fashionable dress spoke up.

"What is the Deep Forest?" she asked.

The studious fellow answered promptly, as if reading off a script, "The Deep Forest is a dangerous and mostly unknown area where all sorts of lore and mythology reside. Not many dares enter, but I think that's just a thing people say."

"Well," she said, turning to what was most likely her beau, "you'll protect me, right?"

He smiled and put his muscle-toned arm around her, "Of course, babe."

There then came a debate on how early they would start their journey tomorrow, some wished to leave before dawn, some argued for afternoon, and someone even debated on leaving this moment. As the debate soon enveloped all at the table, there came a draw between before dawn or afternoon. All had spoken their opinion, save the stable girl.

Sean, noticing this, sympathetically turned to her, "pardon me, miss," he said, startling the girl, who stared into his stormy blue eyes. "What's your name?"

Out of anxiety, she gave her full name, "Alice Lee Ravenwood," and seemed to swallow her words as soon as she said them.

Sean smiled and calmly continued, "We're at a stalemate, Alice, what do you think? Should we leave as soon as possible or wait until noon?"

Thankfully for her, most of the people there weren't staring at her, waiting for her answer; otherwise she might not have given it. She thought a moment, looked to Kim who smiled. Alice turned back to him, and said softly, "I would rather us go as soon as possible."

"Alright, then, it's settled," Chris said loudly, after hearing her answer, and they all looked to him. "We'll leave before dawn."


Crickets orchestrated just outside the window of the room Chris and Sean had slept in as Chris assembled his travelling gear in front of the mirror. There had been a sort of introduction of them all the night before, so he began to picture their faces while associating them with the proper names.

There was Alice, of course, a girl so quiet that normally he'd overlook her if Sean hadn't pointedly asked for her name. Then, Kim, her friend, who seemed much more outspoken and bolder compared to her companion. The redhead was easily identified as Skylar, a highly energetic optimist with such trinkets that her hair wasn't the only thing strange about her. The studious type who seemed quite out of place was Freddy, while the overdressed woman and her beau was Charlotte and John. He barely believed that Charlotte was coming along into the forest with her heels and satin dress, but she was perhaps of the romantic ideal that her knight in shining armor would protect her from even a speck of dirt. He hoped she'd be more suitably dressed in the morning, however.

Richard was the well-dressed man, but his rapier spoke for his skill and supposed experience. Vikki had stayed mostly quiet, though in a vastly different way from Alice, and had flipped her throwing knives throughout the whole interaction. Then, there were three mercenaries who seemed the most prepared of all. Gregory, who was a massive man, with iron pauldrons over a thickened hide armor was the brute of the trio. Lany was short and stocky, but was quick and short of temper, and was the aerobatic of the trio. Lastly, Liona was a slender woman, the leader of the three, carrying a bow and arrows as well as a small sword. These three had mostly kept to themselves, save Gregory, who was a surprisingly warm individual.

Though this group seemed unrefined at best,Chris was perhaps foolishly optimistic that they would succeed.

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