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'GUYS! WAKE UP!' Andres screamed, running into the room and poking everyone's shoulder lightly. 'GET UP NOW!'.

'Jesus, what's going on?' Sean rubbed his eyes, ripping the warm blanket off his body and standing up.

'Too early' Kaycee complained, whining and leaning her body on Sean's. Without thinking, he wrapped an arm around her waist, holding her protectively to his body.

'What's gotten into you? What's wrong' Charity asked, holding onto the boy who was currently pacing around the room.

'We're in deep shit' he muttered, pulling at his own hair as he tried to think of a solution.

Half an hour ago.

'Where's the bastard?' Cheuk asked Will, marching his way to Alex's room.

'H-he should be s-sleeping, sir. In his room' Will answered politely with a stutter as he briskly walked to keep up with the older man's pace.

'Open the door' Cheuk ordered, pulling out white, satin gloves from his pocket and pushing his fingers through them. 'Theses dusty handles' he complained.

Will nodded his head, quick to stand in front of Cheuk and carefully lay his hand on the handle. However, instead of having to open it the door flung wide open, and if they were in a movie tumbelweed would have rolled across the floor.

'Where is he? Where do you keep him?' Cheuk questioned, skeptical on why the door wasn't locked like usual.

'H-he uh-um... I -uh' Will stuttered, eyes bulging wide when he realized that Alex wasn't in his usual place and that the chains were broken into chips on the floor.

'I said, where is he?' Cheuk shouted, glaring at his 'acquaintance'. 'Answer me, now!'.

'Sir, I t-think we ha-have a problem. H-he should be h-here. This is w-where I kept him, b-but he's gone. He's disappeared' Will explained, his throat bobbing up and down.

'ARE YOU SERIOUS? I hope you know that this shit is only adding onto your pile of punishments. Quick, go call a full-house meeting. I want everyone there! We're doing a complete house check-up. Every room and hallway must be checked.' Cheuk instructed, rubbing his gloved-finger over a dusty mirror frame.

'Got it, sir. I'm on it' Will answers hastily, climbing up the stairs and into the office room.

'Announcement! We need everyone, every single cook and cleaner, helper and musician to be in the ballroom now. This is an urgent call and if you fail to attend, you will be severely punished. Make your way to the ballroom, and further information will be provided' Will announced into the intercom of the mansion.

He could hear people scattering outsid the office room, as they chattered and ran down into the ballroom.

'Fools' Will scoffed, diligently holding his head up and walking poshly to the set room.

'Is everyone here? Take a roll' Cheuk instructed Will. Will did as told, making sure all servants attended this meeting of utmost importance.

'I have discovered that we are missing the presence of somebody in this mansion, a traitor' Cheuk started, not mentioning Alex's name because nobody should known that he was still alive. 'For this reason, we will be doing a full-house check-up of every room in this mansion. Not a single room will be missed. So if you are hiding this unnamed traitor then please reveal him now, and we can save us some trouble' he finished, a sly grin on his face. 

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