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AN| This chapter may not be your cup of tea. ☕️. There are death-related quotes in this chapter, so if you feel uncomfortable, please skip. 🔜



'I just got some more useful information on the coronation' Andres chirped, unrolling a scroll with his messy writing scribbled on.

The three teens croweded around him, waiting in anticipation to hear what news he had in store.

'Wait-where's Arielle?' Sean asked, as Andres opened his mouth to speak and closed it straight after.

'That's so true. I didn't see her yesterday aswell' Charity quipped, making an 'o' shape with her mouth.

'She's probably been held back in the kitchen. Although I didn't see her there' Andres added, tapping his chin in thought,

'She's probably just late. Tell us the news' Kaycee pleaded, not the tiniest bit worried at where Alex's fiancé was at. After everything that happened, Kaycee couldn't bear thinking about Alex and anything related to him. She just wanted to relax her mind and she couldn't do that if the only thing that was talked about was Alex.

'The coronation is happening in two weeks time' Andres sighed, rolling the scroll up. 'I have the dates and time written out'.

'Do you think she ratted us out?' Sean mumbled, eyes ready to pop out of his socket as he ignored the new piece of information.

The further thought and talking of Arielle caused something to churn inside Kaycee's stomach. How is it that a thought can bring long buried emotions and stir what was settled? She could feel herself ready to hurl, but fought the urge as she patiently zoned out of the convertsaion and blanked her mind.

'Kayc, what do you think?' Sean asked, bringing her back in. 'Kayc?'

'Uh-oh sorry. Zoned out, what were you saying?'. Sean began once more explaining their situation about the missing Arielle but all Kaycee could focus on was the sheet of paper slid under the door.

'What's that?' She pointed out, interrupting Sean mid-sentence. Andres turned on his heels, showing the teens that it was in fact an envelope.

'Open it, dummy' Kaycee chirped, as Andres smoothly opened the envelope and out popped a note.

'Do you think someone caught us?' Sean whispered, the fear creeping up on him. His palm's were sweaty and the adrenaline coursing through his system was shutting done his ability to think logically. He wanted to hide or runaway, either would do.

'I-I doubt it' Kaycee whispered back, annoyed at herself for discovering the page. Her usual rosy cheeks were as a pale as a slice of bread, white as a ghost. She was shaking, thoughts scrabbling through her mind, too scared to comprehend, incapacitated with fear.

'Just open it' Charity murmured. Andres hesitantly unfolded the sheet of paper, one eye closed as he too a quick glance at the sheet.

He quickly read what was written, a sigh leaving his lips he re-read it over and over again. 

'The past doesn't define you, it is your best teacher' Andres read aloud, showing the rest of the teens the note. The all blew out a rugged heavy breath, wiping of the imaginary sweat that lined their foreheads.

'Who is it from?' Kaycee asked, peering over Sean's shoulder.

'Doesn't have a name. Maybe it was accidently slid under this door. It's probably just for Andres' Sean said, normalizing his breathing.

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