Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven: Never Forsaken

"To us, family means putting your arms around each other and being there." -Barbara Bush.


 Everyone was packed up and ready to leave when Tony, my mom, and Bruce got home. In the midst of all of the commotion of the evening no one thought to call Tony and Bruce to inform them of what had happened. The group of us was confused for a moment why three of them were just now appearing. I wonder how far we would have made it before realizing we were missing a few people...

 After explaining the bombings and what has happened to S.H.I.E.L.D. facilities and Nick Fury's house, they agreed with us that we were not safe staying in the Avengers Tower. Tony, my mom, and Bruce quickly packed their bags. I took that time to chase down Bo and Mojo and put them in their carriers. Since we couldn't leave the cats here unattended, I took the liberty of driving them down to the kennel to board them for the duration of our escape. When I got back, everyone was ready to leave.

 It did not take us but a few minutes to decide where it is we should take refuge. We need to reprogram the satellite to search the outer space for the enemy and somewhere that would have the necessary equipment where we can stay updated. There's only one safe place that has that kind of technology. It is not a place that would be on our enemy's radar. Everyone agreed that this would be the best residence to stay low until we could figure out what is happening.

 There was a bit of debate whether we should fly or drive to our destination. Since we are being targeted, it would have been safer to drive. To have the entire team onboard an unarmed aircraft would be suicide if we were to be bombed. However, we could not waste the time. The trip to our safe house would have taken two days if we drove without stopping. If we flew, we would arrive in a little less than five hours. In the end, we had to take the risk.

 The lavish Stark Industries private jet felt smaller with all nine of us in the cabin. Everyone was fidgeting and restless as our nerves were uneasy. We played various card games in an attempt to get our minds off of the predicament. It also helped pass the time we were stuck in the cramped plane.

 Tony also took this time to inquire for the details of the spontaneous attack. He was surprised that I took care of the first bomb by myself without hesitating. He was actually temporarily angry at me for not calling him; I had to explain to him that there wasn't time for that and that I had it under control. I asked him if he had any theories on the attacks. He replied that he only had a few theories but they were not any that had not already been stated.

 My mom is by far the one who is most shaken up by this experience. She is still not fully used to me being an agent. In this case, you throw in the fact that I was gone for thirteen months and she did not know I was home, it does not help her at all. I was at home having to dispose of bombs to save the team and the building and she was completely unaware and oblivious to the danger; she thought I was still in Morocco. I could see why my mom was so upset, but I thought it was pointless. She has been in more dangerous situations with Tony, but just because I'm her child makes her much more protective.

 While we were in the air, Clint received a devastating message. His former apartment complex had been bombed. He had thrown his glass of water at the wall behind him. It shattered into pierces and littered the carpet. He stormed into the other cabin; Natasha was quick to follow him in attempts to console him. From what I've heard Clint say about his life in his previous residence, everyone in the building was actually quite close for just being neighbors. To think that his friends were all killed because of him is more pain than he deserves. Of course it is not his fault.

 Bucky began to pick up the glass shards as he did for the ornament the last year for Christmas. Steve decided to go in and offer his sympathy to Clint too. No one else followed because we did not want to force our presence on him or overwhelm him at the moment. It is a good hour before he came back in. He never said anything, just sat back down in his seat. Clint never spoke until Bucky suggested a game of poker. It was only during that game when he began to fall back to his normal self.

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