Chapter 7: What Her Research Had Been

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"Scratchy felt like seeing us today," Yakko announced as they arrived through the phone. "Hi Scratchy." It only took a slight glance to figure out why they were called though.

"You've got to be kidding." Dot's voice couldn't have gone any lower as she stalked toward Aroma. "What are you doing with our P-scychiatrist?!"

Aroma leaned forward slightly, but wavily. Something was clearly wrong with her. She tilted her head. "Mister Good Car. Yakko. Grocery. Bonus."

"Uh?" Wakko went over, a little more cautiously. "What was that?"

"She is topsy-turvy, and most likely your problem, ja?" Scratchansniff asked. "She was here for an appointment, but she hasn't been able to communicate wisely. In fact, when she came in, she seemed to be okay but then she seemed to just get worse."

Yakko spun around and dressed like a doctor along with Dot and Wakko. He took off his spectacles and examined Aroma Therapy. Was this some kind of joke? Sure they had fun with her, but it shouldn't have been that big of a deal. Her psyche should have been strong enough to take it. She even kept herself from yelling out when she figured out she was tricked.

She looked right back at him.

He waved his right hand.

She waved her right hand, but slowly and in an odder motion.

Her eyes. Her movement. Her limited speech. What the hell? "Aroma?"

"That's my name. Candle," she said. "Candle."

Her mind was still trying to rearrange things into a logical sense, which didn't make logical sense.

"Oh. Guess we did get revenge." Dot eased up. "Oops."

"Strangely, I still don't feel satisfied," Wakko admitted. "I feel bad. She was right in the head, what happened?"

They've driven people bonkers before, but this time, they didn't mean to.

"Um? Guess we better admit her," Dot said.

"Admit her?" Yakko just whipped on her. "She can't be like this, she was normal. She was a normal warner! She was up here, here, here!" Yakko held his hand up as high as he could, "and we dragged her down here, here, and . . . here." He lowered his hand lower to the floor until it touched it.

"She was normal, and then she wasn't," Wakko said, like he was trying to piece it together too. He looked toward Scratchy. "You said she was better before she came, right? That means, she was well enough to make an appointment."

"No one makes an appointment because they know they're going," Dot said to Wakko. "We've never driven another warner crazy. In most cases, they just are."

"Okay. You go take your little friend away now," Scratchansniff said. "I have another appointment."

"Is that all a warner is to you, just something getting in the way of your appointments?!" Yakko let him have it, and he didn't even know why. It wasn't Scratchy's fault. It was his.

"I don't know how to help her," Scratchy admitted. "You are the ones that messed with her. Usually, your hijinks as high as this don't involve me."

"So it was a slow kind of crazy." Dot came back over toward Aroma, making her follow her finger around. "Her eyes are a little jilty. Like they want to dance but they're too shy to find a partner."

"She's not really acting funny either." Wakko tested her reflexes. There was no hit back with a huge mallet.

"Dictiony dictionary girl?" Dot asked sweetly as she approached. "What's the definition of research?"

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