drugged popcorn and a movie

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Katsuki's 𝙿𝙾𝚅

When I open my eyes I hear whimpers. I look around for the source to find my usually Stoic and calm boyfriend curled in a ball crying. I swing in confusion until I realize we are in a field in the middle of nowhere and Shouto is Naked.
"Sho? Baby, what happened? What hurts? What's wrong?"
I ask realizing belatedly that if he answered any of my questions in this state I'd be lucky.
He says in a broken voice that makes my heart crumble. I quickly move to his side a sharp pain shooting through my head making me groan and stop for a second. I look into his eyes and they are so innocent they are filled to the brim with unshed tears. "I had to Katsuki, I promise I had too please don't hate me please!" He begs before breaking into sobs again.
"Hey baby, we'll figure it out later we don't have to right now, and I could never hate my half and half Kitten. okay?"
"But I-"
"Look at me Shoto,"
I say wiping away some of his tears just so they could be replaced with new ones.
"I could 𝙽𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 hate you,"
I say calmly but with a voice, I use when I don't want an argument. His only answer is to bury his face in my neck and sob harder. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what happened my only concern is why I didn't wake up through any of it.

(Flashback) Shouto and I went on a date since Eijirou wanted to take Deku out, it was just the two of us. Shouto went to get more popcorn halfway through the movie then snuggled into my side...but he fell asleep soon after that. I finished his popcorn which was almost full and carried him out of the theater. (End of flashback)

Did someone drug the popcorn? It would make sense that I was asleep longer since I at more of it...
I'm snapped out of my thoughts when Sho starts crying again. We need to get out of this field.
"Katsu i don't think they found you're phone when they searched our stuff," Shouto informs me sniffing a little before pointing to my almost empty backpack.

"I'm gonna go check you stay right here,"
I instruct him before searching said backpack. To say I'm ecstatic to see they looked over my phone is an understatement but I contain it long enough to call Izuku. I should probably call 9 1 1 but I severely doubt Shouto would be able to mentally handle that without Eijirou and Izuku here.

"Hello?" I hear Izu's voice answer and honestly, it's the sound of heaven.

"Izu I need Eijirou to get on my computer and track my phone. We need you here asap please hurry I'll explain when you get here."
I say trying to make this as quick as possible.

"We're on our way. Are you guys okay?"

"I'll explain when you get here. " is all I say before hanging up. Maybe I should have said more...like I love you or some shit just in case the guys who did this come back.

I'm once again drawn from my thoughts at the sound of puking. I quickly run to Shouto's side and rub his back gently.
"Izu and Kiri are on their way," I say hoping to comfort him.
"I don't know what they did with my clothes."
He states all the emotions drained from his voice. I quickly pull off my hoodie and help him put it on. It hits his mid-thigh
is all he says before once again crumbling in my arms. I don't know what to do so I rub his back and rock him gently.

𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚜𝚔𝚒𝚙
We sat there for about 45 minutes before I heard Kiri's car pull up. Shouto is asleep finally his face is covered in tear marks. I stand trying not to shake him awake. I lay him in the back seat before turning to our boyfriends.
"W-we were drugged I think...he woke up first...and I think they-" I break off before saying it but Eijirou and Izu seem to get the point. Kiri gagged and Izuku pulled me into a hug.
"You too?"
He asks. I shake my head and I feel a tear slip down my cheek.
"I didn't know if I should call an ambulance i didn't know what to do," I say finally breaking down.

𝙺𝚒𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚖𝚊'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅:

I went to Katsuki's side in an instant "You did good,"
I assure him leading him to sit next to Sho. Sho immediately clings to him in his sleep. In any other situation, this would be adorable. Izuku and I get in and we start heading towards the hospital. About halfway there Shouto begins to wake up. He sits up and lets out a small whine I'm not sure if it's from pain or if he's scared. "They took it" is all he says his eyes never leaving his lap.
"What sweetie?"
Asks Izuku.
"I was a virgin and they took it!"
He says his eyes filling with tears.
"It wasn't supposed to be them it was supposed to be one of you,"
he whispers burying his face into the crook of Katsuki's neck.
"Kitten, it'll be okay I know it doesn't feel like it but it will. You're so strong, honey you've made it through so much already."
Katsuki says kissing the top of his head.
"Where are we going,"
he asks.
"The hospital"
Izuku informs. Glancing back to gauge his reaction. But there is nothing but silence for the rest of the ride. Katsuki lifts Shouto out of the car and him inside quickly explaining the situation. After we fill out a few forms they take Shouto back. Katsuki tried to follow but they said he had to stay in the waiting area.
he whispers his voice breaking at the end of the word.
"What do I fucking tell the Cops? That I was asleep while my boyfriend was raped!?"
His voice raises a little but he soon just starts crying.
"Kacchan it's not your fault. You couldn't have known."
He doesn't respond.
"Who is here with Todoroki?"
We all stand and walk to the doctor. "The police are coming to question him and he wants you guys with him. " of course! "
I say trying in vain to lighten the mood. When we walk in Shouto is in a pair of scrubs and Katsuki's hoodie. "Hey honey, how are you feeling?"
I ask kissing his forehead.
"Like shit."
He responds his face is empty of any emotion.
"They said you can come home after the cops finish their interview,"
Izu says obviously trying to make him feel better.
"Good because I still have to finish my history essay."
He responds.
"Maybe you should ask for a week off of classes,"
I suggest.
"I can't fall behind plus what would I do?"
He asks simply as if we aren't in a hospital.
"Whatever you want Kitten,"
Katsuki says giving us a warning glance.
"Mr. Todoroki?"
A police officer asks from the doorway.
"Yes sir but please call me Shouto,"
he responds
"I'm so sorry you're going through this Shouto, will it be okay if I ask you to tell me what happened."

"Yes sir, my boyfriend and I were at the movies I left to go get some more popcorn but these two guys kept looking at me. I didn't think much of it since my looks aren't exactly normal, anyway, I went to go to the restroom while they made my popcorn when I came back the guys were laughing. I grabbed the popcorn and quickly went back to Katsuki I thought I should leave it but I didn't want to worry him. I ate a few pieces and I got super sleepy but when I woke up I was in a car and K-katsuki was asleep next to M-me. The guys from the theater we're in the front and our hands were tied they stopped after a while and I pretended to still be asleep." He stopped to take a breath and grabbed Katsuki's hand.
"T-they were talking a-a-about making katsuki sleep with them...and I begged them not to, they asked why they shouldn't and I said...."

He pauses looking down at his lap. Katsuki kneeled beside him so he could see his face. "What did you say kitten?"
Sho looks at him than us.
"I said that I would do it instead...i said they could have me instead."
He whispers so quietly we can barely hear.
"Is that all Shouto?"
The officer asks. Shouto just nods.
"We'll let you guys know if they find anything."
He informs me. I thank him and go get the forms to sign Shouto out, Izuku follows me.
"He's gonna take a while to recover from this,"
Izuku says
"Yeah, but we'll help him"
I respond. Izu nods in agreement and continues to fill out the forms.

This was written by Ace_Wafflez so are the next two chapters so they get all the credit.

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