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Katsuki's POV:

I woke up to the sound of sneezing. I turned to Kirishima to see he was still sound asleep. Thinking I imagined it I turned back over to go back to sleep only to hear another sneeze.

Then there was a tap on my shoulder. I opened my eyes angrily but that quickly faded at the sight of a sweat-drenched Todoroki standing next to me.

I sat up quickly and placed my hands on his shoulders. His skin was way too hot.
He was shivering as if he was freezing though, his eyes were bloodshot and his nose was red.

"I don't feel good Katsu." He whined in a scratchy voice, it was followed closely with a painful sounding cough.

"Aw kitten let's go to the kitchen. I'll make you tea and get you some medicine." I replied guiding my dazed boyfriend out of the room.

I knew he looked sick the night before but I figured it was from the emotions. Shoto hardly ever gets sick so it was odd for this to happen, but I guess the stress could have made his immune system weak.

He stumbled a few times but we finally did make it. I sit him in a chair and start some tea before going through our medicine cabinet to find some cold meds. I curse under my breath when I find nothing.

"Don't worry about it Katsu you don't have to spend money on medicine for me" sho said quietly mistakingly thinking I was mad at him.

On the rare occasion he was sick he always told us not to spend money on medicine and that he would get better. A thought process that was granted to him by his "wonderful" father. Who in my opinion was about as useful as tits on a boar hog.

I'm snapped from my thoughts by another fit of painful coughs. Shoto laid his head on his hands as I poured him tea.

"I'm gonna go ask Kiri something," I say rubbing his back as I walk by. He doesn't respond.

I made my way to the bedroom to wake Kiri, only to see he's already awake and holding a piece of paper. For the first time this morning, I notice Deku is gone.

Kiri is silent which is a rare occurrence. His head is angled down and he looks like he was just slapped in the face.
A look I had only seen when the four of us are having an argument.

"Hey Kiri, what's wrong?" When hi doesn't respond I step closer. What's that you got there?" I ask making my way to read it over his shoulder, but before I got there Kiri starts reading it aloud.

"Dear My loves.

I simply can't be here right now. I need space. after seeing how Shoto reacted to that smell I've been thinking.

I need some time alone. It will be good for me and you guys. I'm sorry if this letter saddens you but it's what I have to do.

I know if I said this in person you would convince me to stay. That's not what we need. That's not what I need. I need a break from the drama that we're facing Shoto isn't the same anymore and I don't know if he ever will be.

So I need some time to decide if I'm okay with that. If I'm okay with him. So please read below for a message to each of you."

Kiri paused. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before continuing.

"To Kiri
I want you to stay strong take care of Kacchan and Sho. Remember that you are amazing and so beautiful."

Kiri paused again his voice cracking and his shoulders shaking slightly.

"To Kacchan
Your so caring and sweet even if you hide it. Don't lose that while I'm gone. Be safe and protect Kiri and Sho."

My cheeks feel wet, and my heart is in my throat. How could he leave us? How could he leave me?

"To Sho
You're so sweet. The amount of innocence you have can brighten anyone's day. I know I said I'd go to therapy with you, but I can't. I'm not strong enough to listen to what your going through. I'm so sorry Sho.

Remember this isn't goodbye forever. It's just a break. I still love you guys.


Kiri put the letter down and wiped his face on his sleeve. He held his arm to his eyes for a few seconds as we processed what was just read.

"What are we going to tell Sho. This will break him. Especially after all the times, we all promised to be here for him." Kiri said sniffling as he stood to look at me.

"We aren't going to tell Sho anything yet. He woke up sick and he won't rest and get better if he's stressed about Deku." I say bitterly.

Kiri looks at his feet. The anguish on his face is obvious. He hated hiding things from us, especially the ever trusting Sho. I do too but this is what is best for him.

"Hey now," I say pulling him into a hug as a sob tears its way from his throat. He buries his face in my neck as I rub his back.

"How could he leave Kat!" Kiri sobbed.

"How could who leave?" Came a rough voice from behind us. Causing us both to freeze.

"Where's Izuku?"


Hey guys I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it! Feel free to comment constructive criticism and have a wonderful day ♥️

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