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Katsuki's pov:

It's been a week since the incident and Shoto never took a break from school which is fine. Whatever makes him happy, it's just he's been sleeping on the couch and refusing physical contact.

"It's because he hates you."

"You let this happen!"

"It's your fault."

"No shut up" I mutter forgetting my boyfriends are all at the dinner table with me.
"You okay, katsu?" Asks Sho.
"I'm fine Kitten. How was your guy's day?" I ask trying to change the topic
"Mine was great! I hung out with Momo and we got ice cream!" Deku says cheerfully.
"Mine was good too! I finally finished that project for art class!" Kiri answers.

We all turn to Shoto who seems to have zoned out. Deku reaches for his arm.
"N-" before I can tell him not to he places his hand on Sho's wrist.
Shoto violently jerked away almost falling from his chair.
"Don't touch me!" He says in what I say is more of a scared than angry voice.
"Please don't touch me" he pulls his knees to his chest. Izuku looks guilty and Eijiro looks like he's gonna cry.
"Katsu, wake up, please please please, please." He whispers repeatedly.

"Hey sho...its me it's Katsuki may I touch your arm?" I ask. He only nods in response. I reach out slowly and he tenses on contact but doesn't jerk away.
"Kitten, your safe now you're at home and Kiri and Izu are here and you never ever have to worry about those guys again."

His eyes wander up to my face.
"I can't get it off! I can't get the feeling of they're hands off!" He says sobbing and reaching for Izuku who instantly wraps him in a hug.
"Oh sweetie it's just in your mind. I promise they will never touch you again." Deku whispers to him.

"I'm gross you guys won't want me anymore because I'm gross and it's all I can think about. I didn't even remember our anniversary until Katsuki said something because I've been thinking about what happened! your gonna leave me because no one could want me anymore!" He exclaims sobbing onto Deku's shoulder.

"Baby, don't say that!" Eijiro exclaims.
"This not your fault and of course it's on your mind! But that's fine because baby we love you!" Kiri makes his way to Sho's side warning him before rubbing his back as he continued to cry.
"I did this," I mumble making Shoto's head shoot up.

"I'm so sorry I didn't wake up!" I say starting to cry. If you need someone other than those two creeps to blame then blame me! Because Shoto you didn't ask for this, you didn't want it, and you sure as hell didn't do it!" I say.

"Don't cry Katsuki." Is all Shoto says
"Don't blame couldn't have known " he continues.

"He's just saying that"

"He hates you and is just too nice to tell you"

"It's all your fault. "

This is all I can think but once I look into his eyes I see nothing but sincerity, and if I have to choose between believing my Boyfriend and believing my mind I'd pick him any day.

"We love you both so much," Deku says, Kiri nods in agreement.
"You have to talk to us when you guys start feeling down, or anxious. We want to help you guys but we can't if you don't speak to us." Kiri adds kissing the top of Shoto's head.

"I don't want to bother you though" Sho whispers leaning against Kiri.
" it will bother us more if we don't know what your feeling, "
Deku informs. Moving to hug me.

"Why don't you two go to bed and we'll clean up," Kiri suggests. Sho and I nod and start getting up. The moment I'm standing he is at my side.
After Kissing Deku and Kiri we head to bed.

Deku's pov:

"I hope they listen," Eijiro says while washing the dishes.
"Me too," I say working on my paper for English class. I sigh as I rewrite the same sentence for the fifth time.

"The band has been pushing for a practice but I don't know if Sho and Katsuki are ready,"  Eijiro informs.

"We should talk about it in the morning. We can't expect honesty from them if we hide things from them. Plus Kat and Sho know their limits." I say closing my computer.

Time skip till morning 🌞

I woke up and Shoto was already out of bed.   I wake Eijiro and Katsuki and we find Shoto asleep on the couch.  I frown because I thought we solved this.
"Sho," Eijiro calls as he shakes our two-toned boyfriend in an attempt to wake him up.
"Shoto!" Calls Katsuki kinda harshly.
Sho sits up quickly and looks at us, a blush creeping up his neck.

"H-hey." He says his voice almost emotionless but we could hear the nervousness, he was hiding.
"Why are you on the couch?" Asks Eijiro.
"I had a bad dream." Replies Shoto.
"Why didn't you wake us up? Asks Katsuki.
Shoto doesn't reply he just looks at his lap.
"Shoto we talked about this. You have to tell us what your feeling." I say in a stern voice.
"I'm sorry. I just couldn't remember if you guys had morning classes...i didn't want to make life harder for you." Sho mumbles never looking up from his lap.

"Baby you don't make life harder. I want you to Wake me up anytime something is bothering you." I inform him. Warning him before kissing his forehead.
"Thank you." He mumbles his face is tinted pink and honestly, it's adorable.
"By the way Kaminari, Sero and Mina want to practice sometime soon. Do you guys think you're ready?" Asks Eijiro.
"Sounds good," Shoto says. Excitement shining in his eyes.
"Sounds fine," Kacchan says too.
"Yay I'll call them!" I exclaim making my way to the kitchen. 

after the phone call, I return to my boyfriends for some much-needed cuddling, and for the first time in days I don't doubt that we can make it through this.

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