The smell of your Cologne.

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Izuku's POV:

I was still mad at Shoto but I say nothing as we drive to practice. How could he not trust us? How could Katsuki and Eijiro be so calm about his lack of trust? I mean if he doesn't trust us then how can we trust him?

"Izu your speeding." Came Sho's monotone voice. He was looking at me his phone still in his hand. Katsuki and Eijiro were talking in the back seat.

"Did you want to drive?" I snapped cringing slightly at my own bitter tone. Kat and Kiri stopped talking and looked at me as if I was crazy.

"Don't look at me like that!" I growled, "he shouldn't be telling me how to drive when he can barely get anywhere on time." I say hitting my breaks a little too hard as we approached a red light.

"Did I do something wrong Izu?" Shoto asks looking at the other two with uncertainty. His hand was shaking slightly but I couldn't bring myself to feel bad. Even if I really wanted too

"I don't want to talk about it right now so just drop it." I finally say shooting a glare at him and turning the radio up. Katsuki glares at me before continuing his conversation with Kiri and Sho puts his phone away and looks out the window.

I pull up to the studio parking in the space closest to the door. Sho and Kiri get out but Katsuki stops me before I can.

"What the hell was that!?" He yelled his eyes shooting daggers into me.

"It was nothing Kacchan" I respond avoiding his glare and looking at my hands.

"Let me guess," he sighs placing a hand on my shoulder his eyes still hold a little anger but they also show sympathy. "your mad because half and half won't talk about his feelings and hurt because you don't feel like he trusts you. Am I right?"

I look at him in shock. Usually, it was Kiri who would pick up on our feelings, not katsu. "Yeah, and how can we trust him when he doesn't trust us," I add on mumbling as my cheeks heat up at the fact that I felt mad.

"I don't think it's a trust issue," Katsuki says covering my hand with his own.
"I think he's trying to save us from his mind. Think about it. None of us have ever experienced this maybe it's so painful he's scared to talk, because it might ruin our happiness"

"I didn't think about it that way," I said glancing at him before returning my gaze to my lap. "but we love him even when he's in a dark place we have always shown him that." I continue wiping my eyes that had grown wet at the thought of Sho trying to protect us.

"He will open up eventually but for now he's in denial we just have to be patient." Katsuki says kissing my temple. "anyway let's go practice."


Kirishima's POV:

A few days after practice, we all head out for pizza. I was listening to Sero and Mina argue about which Vine is better when Sho buried his face in my arm. Katsuki and Izuku didn't notice and neither did the other three until Sho started crying.

Everyone stopped at the sound of distressed cries escaping his lips. I looked at our boyfriend's not knowing what to do. Katsuki was the first to take action kneeling beside Shoto's seat and placing a comforting hand on his back.

"Hey Kitten, what's wrong?" He asked patiently waiting for Sho to acknowledge that he said anything.  It took a moment the grip he had on my leg grew tighter

"I want to go home Katsuki I have to get out of here!" Sho finally said looking at Kat and I with pleading tear-filled eyes.

Sero, Mina, and Kami gave us a confused yet concerned glance. I simply told them we'd explain later. Leaving Deku to pay Katsuki picked Sho up and Carried him to the car I was close on they're heels.

Once in the seat, Shoto pulled Me with him asking Katsuki for his hoodie Katsuki happily obliged before climbing into the driver's seat. Nobody said anything as we waited for Izuku.


Katsuki's POV:

I watched as Shoto gripped a cup of tea so tight his fingers were white. Nobody said anything. None of us knew what to say because he hadn't told us what had happened.

I nervously bounced my leg as Sho cleared his throat. He opened his mouth only to close it again a pained look in his eyes which were still glazed over.

"Cologne" he mumbles running a hand through his hair and blowing out a deep breath.

"Cologne?" We ask looking at each other then back at Sho.

"Someone was wearing the same Cologne as them." He says looking at his feet. New tears start to overflow from his eyes breaking our hearts as they fall down his cheeks.

Kiri wraps him in a hug as he starts crying. "I just want things to go back to normal!" Shoto says his voice breaking into a sob and he digs his face into Kiri's neck.

"I know honey I know" Kiri whispers. Deku and I were frozen. Could that happen? Could Cologne really trigger something like that?

"I think maybe you should see someone," Deku says after a little while.
He mumbles it quietly as If unsure it's the right thing to say.

"I agree," I say putting an arm around Deku and kissing his forehead. Neither Kiri nor Sho says anything at first and I can hear my heart rate quicken.

He's gonna think you think he's crazy!

He's gonna feel even worse thanks to you! I think to myself as I await a response.

"C-can Izu come with me" Shoto finally asks. He's not crying as hard but he looks exhausted almost sick.

"Of course I will. We would all go in a hot second Sho! We love you! Deku says hugging our still shaking boyfriend. I join in and we stay cuddling on the couch until Sho falls asleep.

"Hopefully, we can get him some help" Kiri whispers kissing Shoto's hair. Deku and I nod in agreement saying nothing as we all start to drift off to sleep.

Yo! It's the first chapter I wrote and I got it done a day earlier than expected so yay! I hope you enjoy and feel free to leave any constructive criticism in the comments. Thank you for reading. ❤


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