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Shoto's POV:

"Where's Izuku?"

I watch as Katsuki and Kiri exchange looks. My throat is killing me but I try to ignore it in favor of this conversation. I had a feeling I wasn't gonna like what was said.

"Kitten he left a letter saying he needed space. He's gonna be gone for a while." Katsuki says he looks like he might cry.

"Let me see the letter," I say holding my hand out. I didn't want to believe this was happening. I watched as Kiri's eyes flashed in what looked like fear as he reluctantly handed me the letter.

I read as he mentions the drama surrounding me. The drama I caused by showing my emotions. My eyes water as I read on to what he thinks of us but I hold it back. I can't cause more drama I don't want Katsu and Kiri to leave me too.

"You okay kitten?" Katsuki asks placing a hand on my shoulder. His crimson eyes are filled with worry. A look I've seen way too often as of late.

I take a deep breath how do I respond? If I'm honest I worry them but I don't want to lie.

I shift my gaze to my feet and don't respond. If Id kept my mouth shut none of this would have happened anyway.

Finally, I nod and then leave the room.  I couldn't see them right now they looked miserable and it was all my fault. How could they still love me when I made Izu leave.

I wipe the tears from my eyes and continue drinking my tea silently. A few moments later Katsu and Kiri join me neither say anything as they eat their breakfast.

I mean what would they say to the likes of me. I'm so useless I can't even make a relationship work. I look at the bracelet that Izu gave me and feel my eyes start to water. This was supposed to be forever and now suddenly it might not be.

Katsuki's POV:

I watched as Sho stared at his bracelet. He's been looking at it for what felt like hours but still, he says nothing. Kiri left to get him some medicine but Sho didn't even respond when Eijiro said bye.

"You okay baby?" I ask rubbing his shoulders to get his attention. He looks up at me and opens his mouth but nothing comes out.

"It's okay if you're not we're all hurt at Izuku right now, but don't worry we'll be back together before you know it," I say kissing his sweat-dampened hair.

"If he's okay with me." He mumbles looking at his feet.

"Oh, baby! He didn't mean it to be hurtful Izuku loves you very much. This is just a change for all of us." I assure him.

"How can you love me?" Shoto bit out, standing abruptly and almost hitting me with his head.

"What do you mean Shoto? How could I not love you?" I ask shocked by the anger in his eyes.

"Let's make a list shall we!?" He shouts throwing his hands in the air.

"I'm Dirty! I'm broken! I'm used! I'm either too emotional or I'm emotionless! I'm ugly! I have a big ass fucking scar on my face!" He yelled his eyes filling with tears. 

His shoulders were shaking and his breathing was quick. Chocked sobs and painful sounding coughs escaped between words.

"And...and lastly I drove Izuku away." His words faded into a hollow whisper as he finished his sentence. Kiri walked in midway through his rant and dropped the bag of medicine he was carrying

We stand frozen staring at him not sure which one of those I should address first. Everything he said was so wrong. How could he think about himself like that?

"How could you say that?" Kiri asked quietly. His hands were shaking and his eyes held a mixture of anger and hurt.

"Because it's true! I ruined everything!" Shoto sobbed falling to the floor and covering his face. His sobs soon turned to coughs and His chest spasmed as he tried to catch his breath.

We both rush to him Eijiro rubbing his back and me whispering for him to calm down In his ear.

"I want Izuku please he was supposed to be here." Shoto whimpered out burying his face in my shoulder.

I couldn't help the slight anger I felt for Izuku how could he do this to Shouto?

"I know baby he'll be back soon and for now you have us," Eijiro says pulling us into a hug and kissing us both.

"Can I lay down? My head hurts." Sho finally says after awhile. Kiri nods as he picks the medicine up off the ground.

"Sure baby but take your Meds first," I say helping him to his feet.

We were going to make it through all of this.

We had to.

Sorry, this took a while but I enjoyed writing it so I hope you enjoy reading it. 💞

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2020 ⏰

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