First Day

181 11 21

Remington's POV

Today was the first day of school for me and my brother Emerson. he was a freshman and I was a junior, our older brother just finished school. I was excited but nervous at the same time, this was a new school and we knew nobody.

At my old school, I was known as the 'depressed emo faggot' after a video was leaked of me cutting myself. Before that, I was known as the 'emo faggot' because I was gay. This year I'm going to just focus on school and writing music for my band Palaye Royale.

"Rem, are you up?" I heard Sebastian say on the other side of my door.

He started to care for me and Emerson once our dad left so he makes sure we get up and eat before we go to school. 

"Yeah, I'm getting dressed, I'll be down in a couple of minutes."

I heard him walk away and go to the next door to wake Emerson up. I quickly got up and grabbed a black hoodie and black ripped jeans I then went over to my shoes and got a pair of vans on. 

"Come down and eat before it gets cold!"

I quickly got my bag of stuff and then ran downstairs, Enerson was already downstairs eating and drawing something in his sketchbook. I look over his shoulder and see a really detailed building. 

"Looks nice Em." 

"Thanks, Rem, eat so we can go. I don't want to be late."

I chuckle as I quickly ate the food Sebastian made us. 

"Thanks, Seb, we got to go now. Byeeee, see you after school." He smiles and waves at us as we leave the house. 

I quickly get out my keys and unlock the doors to the car.

I sit in the driver's seat as Emerson gets in the passenger seat. 

"Ready to go?" He nods and I start the car and drive us to school.

I try to go slow but fast at the same time because Emerson would be mad if I messed up his drawing and we weren't that far from school.

-At school-

I parked the car then Emerson and I headed inside. We already had our class schedules but we still needed to go to the front office.

When we got there the lady told us that she was going to assign people to show us around that had our classes.

We sat down and waited for the kids to come to the front then we got up. 

"Emerson, you will be assigned with Frank and Remington, you will be assigned with Gerard. Have a good day." I nodded looking at the two boys.

"Hi, I'm Gerard." 

I smiled "Hi I'm Remington." 

"Follow me, I will show you to your locker, and then we can go to class." I nod and he leads me out of the room. "So tell me about yourself?" 

I shrugged, "There isn't much to know about me. Other than I'm Gay."

He nods. "I'm Gay too. The boy I came in with...that's my brother's best friend but he is also my Boyfriend, I know there is a 2 year age difference but it doesn't bother us." 

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