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Remington's POV

I wake up and feel arms around me. I smile and then frown. I still have the really weird feeling that Andy was lying to my face. I moved Andy's arms so I could go to the front of the bus. When I get there I see CC and Jinxx. "Hey, um... I know I shouldn't be worried about this but did Andy ask Ashley to follow him or did something else happen yesterday?"

"Uh, kinda both I guess? Do you want to know the full story?" I nod and they motion for me to sit down.

"So basically we just finished shond check and Andy said something to Ashley. They said they would be back and we all thought they went to the bathroom or something but I'm pretty sure Andy said he needed Ashley to follow him or that he needed to talk to him in private, when you came looking for Andy they only just left like 2 minutes before you and then when you ran back and it looked like you were crying we knew something was off so Jinxx and I walked to the room and we heard Andy say 'I already hurt him, I can't believe I agreed to this, your such a asshole, I dont want you near him. I'm done with whatever this was, he means more to me than anything in the world' and then we walked in and Ashley was pushing Andy against the wall and trying to kiss him is what it seemed, Andy was trying to get him off, I don't know why they went into the room at first but all I have to say is you should believe what he says. He loves you and I know he does." I nod

I got up and walked back to the bunks crying, he still lied and basically cheated on me or Ashley, he had something going on with him and I didn't know, I walk to Emersons bunk and tapped his shoulder. "Hmm?" He seen me crying and he got up. "What happened?" I tell him what CC told me and hugged me

"Dont say anything to him please, I will do it myself." He nods and I walk back to Andy's bunk. "Hey babe- why are you crying?!" He tried to hug me but I push him away. "Who did you cheat on? Me or Ashley?" He looked at me with wide eyes. "What? I didnt cheat, I never would especially not with Ashley, he is an asshole." I get mad.

"Dont fucking lie to me, you are just going to make it hard on yourself, apparently you are done with whatever was going on between you guys and you can't believe you agreed to it? You know... liars always end up with some sort of punishment, if it's from the world or if it's from a sartain person. I loved you and you do this? Almost a fucking year Andy, a fucking year, and you decided to kiss Ashley on tour that your boyfriend took you on. Not to mention you have a terrible reputation. So I'm going to agree with my head and say you were cheating, rather it's me or Ashley I don't want to be apart of this thing. I'm sorry but I can't, not until you prove to me that I mean more to you than Ashley." I got up and walked to my assigned bunk, it was cold without Andy but it will have to do for now.

-halfway through tour-

Andy has tried his best to prove to me and all I really want is to wake up and get a hug from him and a kiss, for him to tell me that it was all just a really fucked up, long and realistic bad dream. But I knew it wasn't, Andy tried his best to not show anything on stage but the past few days he cried when he would sing his song heart of fire.

He would always say I was his heart of fire. He was preforming right now and I could tell he was trying his best not to cry. He was singing heart of fire next. I decided that I can't be mad anymore. All I wanted was him holding onto me.

"Okay... this last song was for someone I cared really deeply about and I fucked everything up with them in the beginning of the tour and I regret it... this song is for you baby. You know who you are." He almost started crying. I got up and walked out.

"Andy..." he turned and looked at me. There was tears falling from his eyes. I put my hands on his face and wiped the tears. I kiss him and smile. "I'm sorry.. I shouldn't have gotten mad like that." He shook his head. "I shouldn't have done what I did. It was my fault... I love you." I smile "I love you too Ma Chérie." He chuckled. "Give them a show they wont forget." He smiled as I walked off.

After that we went to the bus and cuddled. "I missed this so much, it's so cold without you..." he smiles "yeah its cold without you too." I smile and kiss his head. "Goodnight Ma Chérie" "Goodnight heart of fire."

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