My idols

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Okay, I know I already added Frank and Gee but forget I did that. I'm too lazy to change chapters right now

Remington's POV

Today I had to play 3 shows all in the same day. I hated this. It hurts my throat and I could barely talk. But the fan make up for it. I love them but them someone so goddamn ignorant decides to do another song without asking me then that's just bullshit. Sebastian said we would do another song for them and we did. I had basically no say in it whatsoever. And my throat is killing me.

"Stop asking like a baby, it was one more song." I roll my eyes. "ONE MORE SINB MY ASS. I HAD TO SING FOR 3 SHOWS TODAY. YOU'RE NOT THE ONE WHO HAS TO SING FOR ALMOST TWO FUCKING HOURS EACH SHOW! MY THROAT HURTS THANKS TO YOU" he grabs his beer and walks off. I got really mad and broke something.

"Hey babe, you okay?" I look at and and nod. "I'm just tired. Imma take a shower then go to sleep." He nods and I kiss his head before walking off. Today was okay until Sebastian ruined my mood. Why can't he just stick to the plan. I grab my clothes and go to the bathroom to take a shower.

Once I'm done I walk out with my clothes on and lay in Andy and I's bunk. I can't go to sleep right away so I go on my phone. I scroll through Instagram and look at fan art. "Babe? You awake?" I look up and see Andy. "Yeah, I can't sleep, but I'm tired." He smiles. "I will be back in a second. Then we can watch a movie and cuddle." I smile and nod.

20 minutes later he came back. He was changed into different clothes and had his laptop along with a bowl of popcorn. He handed me the popcorn and then got into the bunk. "Thank you." He smiles and kisses my head. "Anything for you." I cuddle up close to him and he turns on his laptop. I smile when I see his background. It was a picture us. I kissed his cheek and then his lips.

He put on the office. "Hold on, I forgot something." He gave me the laptop as I got off if him. He came back with a jar of nutella! I eyed the jar and he smiled at me. "Here." He gave me the jar and gave me a spoon too. Once he got into the bunk I gave him the laptop and laid on his chest. He smiled and kissed me before playing the show.

I ate almost the whole jar of nutella before falling asleep.

Andy's POV

I look to my left and see Remington sleeping. I smile as I set my laptop aside. I grabbed the spoon and empty bowl and put them in the sink, I grabbed the nutella jar and put it away before grabbing a napkin and soaking it in water. I walked back to Remington and wipe his face off. He had nutella all over him. I kiss his head before throwing the napkin away and going to sleep.

Remington's POV

I wake up and smile. Today is a free day! I look at Andy and kiss him. My throat isn't hurting that bad today so I guess that's a good sign. "Morning Rem." I smile "Good morning." He smiles and gets up. "Your happy today." I nod. "Well that's because we have a free day. I wanna go to the mall!" He kisses my nose. "We can after I get dressed, you too." I smile and we get out of the bunk to get dressed.

Once we were done we walked to the mall. It wasn't as crowded and I was happy. "OMG ITS ANDY BIERSACK!" I jump at the sudden yelling. We turn around and there was a girl with a group of people running to us. Great... "can I have a autograph!?" He smiles and then looks at me. "I'm going to find some place to look at. Have fun." I walk off and he does whatever.

I pull my phone out and start walking. I accidentally bumped into someone. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry." I look up and see Frank Iero... "No it's fine. Are you okay?" I try my best to not fanboy. "Yeah..." I look down. "What's wrong?" That wasn't Frank's voice, it sounded a little like Gerard's? I look up and sure enough the rest of My Chemical Romance was here.

"Today was supposed to be a free day from playing a show but we bumped into some fans." They look at me with confusion. "We?" I nod. "My boyfriend and I came to the mall but a group of girls ran to him and asked for his autograph... he is in a band called Black Veil Brides and I'm in one called Palaye Royale with my brothers, we are huge fans by the way." They smile. "Well do you want to hang out with us? We all got bored and decided to meet up." I smile. "Yeah sure."

We end up going to Hot topic and we look at band shirts and weird accessories. "Rem?" I turn to see Andy crying. "What happened!?" I run to him and hig him. "I- someone kissed me and-" I pull away from the hug. "It was a fan and I told them about you, I promise I didn't kiss back." I nod and smile. "Its okay." He smiles and hugs me again. "Is everything okay?" I turn around to see Mikey "yeah. This is my boyfriend I was talking about earlier." They wave and we walk to the rest of the band.

After awhile we got something to eat together and then left. Once we got him I took a nap and Andy talked to his band. I smiled while I slept. I just met my idols! I just met My Chemical Romance... My Fucking Chemical Romance. Well today was a good day to go to the mall and look down walking. Wow... wait until I tell my brothers.

A/N- check my book called updates, I posted a chapter called schedule, I have a new schedule that I will try to follow this week but will follow next week. I just realized today I post this story... I was stupid and posted something else but I unpublished it so I could do this... anyway hope you enjoyed this, stay safe♡

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