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M= Mark Y= Y/N A= Amy E= Ethan
h/c= hair color e/c= eye color f/f= favorite food

pov: y/n
you run up to the group of people and immediately give your brother a massive hug. 

M: *through the hug* "you don't know how much i've missed you y/n. you'll love L.A. i know you will."

Y: thank you Mark! i'm sure i'll love it too. i just got here and everything is already so beautiful!

you walk over to Amy and she says, "hey y/n! it's been so long! i've missed you a lot as well!"

Y: "hey amy! it really has been forever! i've missed you too, and you've gotten even prettier!"

after you say that, you look over at blue boy and you realize he's been starring at you the whole time.

Y: "take a picture, it'll last longer."

E: "o- oh.. i- i'm sorry i didn't e-even realize i-" he says as his face becomes crimson red

Y: "dude, it's alright calm down, i was just joking.. you're actually pretty cute yourself.."

E: oh.. i- uh t-thank you..

M: "Ethan don't try anything or i swear to god i will-"

Y: "dude, calm down! we won't do anything, i swear" i say as i start laughing.

M: "you better not"

pov: Ethan

when she said to take a picture, my heart skipped a beat. i didn't even realize i was looking at her. Mark has been talking non stop about y/n, but i didn't expect her to be so beautiful. her and her gorgeous h/c hair, and her amazing e/c eyes. her smile and her laugh is just so perfect, and i can't even get over it.

pov: Mark

after the whole thing with y/n and Ethan happened, i realized that she was even wearing my merch, with set me off a little considering i don't like her wearing my merch.

M: "y/n! i've told you billions of times not to wear my merch?!" i said with a mockingly angry face.

Y: "what do you want me to do now Mark?" she said, "do you really want me to take my shirt of right in the middle of the airport?"

M: "ew, no! i hope you know, there's a lot of weird ass people here, so you never know wtf could happen."

pov: y/n

after about 5 minutes of sitting there and catching up with everyone, we decided to head out to the car and head to my new house.

Mark was driving, Amy took passenger, i sat behind Amy which left Ethan behind Mark. we started to drive and i was given the AUX cord, and i played one of my favorite song, Fergalicious By Fergie. when the song started to play, you could tell Mark and Amy were automatically annoyed, but Ethans face lit up.
we started singing normally but when it got to the fast part, me and Ethan were screaming the lyrics at the top of our lungs. at the end of the song, me and Ethan were struggling to breath as we were laughing.
i thought, "this might not be so bad."

*small time skip*

after a few more minutes of driving and screaming-singing, we finally pulled up to a house that looked like it belonged in a magazine. it was huge! they guided you up to the door and right after opening the door a large dog ran up to you and started sniffing and licking you. after a few seconds of petting her, you stood up to face Mark and said,

Y: "so where can i put all my shit?"

M: "oh, you thought you were getting a room? nah you take the dog bed." he said with a sarcastic tone.

Y: "oh haha very funny Mark"

M: "Ethan," he said, "show y/n where her room is while me and Amy cook lunch"

E: "oh- uh, i-.... here let me take your bags..." he said while his face turned bright red.

Y: "oh, thank you Ethan, but you really don't have to." i said while i felt my face turn red as well.

E: "no it's okay, i got it"

pov: Mark

you start to cook lunch, which you decided would be f/f since y/n loved it.

after a few minutes you start to get suspicious about what they were doing up there, so you send Amy up there to see what's up.

pov: Ethan

right as you guys got up the stairs you said

E: " so basically, the first room right here on the right is Mark and Amy's room. then the one across it is Mark and Is recording room which you can use as well."  ( I forgot to mention you were also a youtuber... oops!) "then right up here on the right is my room, then on directly  across my room, is your room. then right ahead is the bathroom"

you saw y/n take a look around the whole place, and all you could do was stare at her. she was perfect.

pov: y/n

you took a look around the place and looked back up at Ethan who was already looking at you. you look at him and really took in how attractive he was. he was wearing a semi tight black shirt and blue jeans which brought out his muscles perfectly. his greeny/hazel eyes were breathtaking, and the way his hair almost fell into his eyes was just adorable.

pov: Ethan

you looked and y/n and thought, it's now or never. so you lean in, which she does as well, but right as your lips were about to touch, you hear Amy's voice.

A: "uh, am i interrupting something?"

(A/N: i hope this isn't too long! i decided to make this one pretty long since i don't know when i'll get a new chapter out, but for anyone who's already reading, i hope you enjoy!)

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