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pov: ethan

it was thursday. you, mark, amy, and y/n were all heading to the airport where youd meet jack, bob, and wade. your plan that you thought of in taco bell, still strong in your mind. you knew exactly how youd do it. you were asking y/n to be your girlfriend. 

your plan was simple. she had a separate panel from yours and you were gonna do it then. yes, it was in front of many people, but what did you have to lose? 

you were going to ask a question, and say something along the lines of, 

"hey y/n! i know this is a little unexpected, but every since weve meet ive really liked you, and since weve started hanging out more and more, ive realized how muchi needed you in my life, so will you offically be my girlfriend?"

will she be upset that i did it publicly at her (technically second) panel? probably. is it worth it? of course it is.

pov: y/n

you were looking around your room to make sure that you had everything ready. you were going to vidcon. it was your first vidcon. you were really nervous. your panic attacks were a lot better though, cause you had pretty much gotten used fighting and loud noises since living in LA, so you think you were going to be okay.

you had a plan though. you really wanted ethan to be yours. you knew he was going to come up at your other panel, so you figured you would ask him a question, instead of him asking you. so you thought that eventually, youd have ethan come up, and youd ask him. will he be upset? maybe. were you going to hope for the best though? you were going to try. 

your thoughts were cut off my mark yelling that it was time to go. your flight left at 2, and it was 12:50, so you grabbed your shit and headed downstairs.

you go downstairs to see mark and amy by the door, and a minute passed, then you see a bright blue headed boi go down the stairs. so after you all meet by the door, you pile your stuff into the car and head off.

*time skip to the first panel*

pov: ethan

you all were at the panel playing cards against humanity, but with custom cards from tweets. you were the judge, and the card read

"nothing could be kinkier than __"

you sigh and close your eyes. after just a few seconds you open your eyes and read all the cards that read

"glory holes"

"playing bop-it at 3 am completely naked while crying" that one made all us laugh so hard. y/n burst out laughing and i couldnt help but smile at her. you couldnt wait for her panel tomorrow.

the next card read,

"y/n eating strawberry yogurt out of ethans ass" with that card, mark stood up and said, 

"i swear if that ever happens ethan i swear to god i will-"

mark was interrupted my y/n saying, "mark i dont even like strawberry yogurt!"

with that, mark sat down, obviously feeling defeated. 

the other 2 cards said, 

"pretending gogurt is cum" and, 

"jacks overgrown pubes"

i had to chose the eating yogurt out of my ass. it was just too funny to not chose. with my choice, jack stood up and yelled, 

"victory is mine!!"

and y/n, obviously shocked, said, 

"what? you dont like jacks pubes? i thought i was for sure gonna win that one." 

they both sat down and it was time for questions.

pov: y/n

it was time for questions. after awhile of answering the normal questions, and even a few just for me, a person came up and asked me and ethan a question.


f: "hey guys! i just wanted to say ive been a big fan of all of you for quite some time now, but i have a question for just y/n and ethan. who are your guys crushes? i would ask you all that but i now you all have girlfriends haha." 

e: "well, even though she as absolutely no clue who i am, she has (your hair color), the most perfect smile, beautiful (eye color), and shes even a youtuber as well!" you heard the entire crowd cheer and whisper. they all knew it was you. almost everyone shipped you and ethan. but so decided to play in with it and say, 

"oh, well, i dont know if any of you guys know him, but he has these great greeny/hazel eyes, hes a lot taller than me, and he has this great blue hair, and A LOT of acne. oh and hes also a youtuber." with that everyone went crazy. the crowd and everyone on stage. 

j: "wait what?! you like each other? why and how did we not see this?"

w: "why am i not surprised at all? its the classic brothers best friend scenerio."

m: "ethan i swear to god if i hear your fucking my little sister, you will not see another day."

y: "mark calm your man tits, but no we are not together. im sorry"

m: "i dont have man tits!! but know that i look at the time, thats all the time we have left! thank you all for being here! buh-bye!" he says as we all wave goodbye to the crowd. we all go to the meet and greet afterwords which as uneventful besides the normal, "i knew you 2 would get together eventually!" comments. but after that, you went and looked around a bit more, met a few more people, then, eventually decided to go back to the room.

all the guys went out to eat, but you where really tired, so you just stayed in the hotel room. even though you where extremely tired, you could barely sleep thinking about tomorrow. you would set the fans wild, it was worth it. the man of your dreams was finally going to be yours. with that thought you drifted to sleep.

(a/n: this ones really fucking long now haha. i will try and update again sometime this week but i really dont know. but i hope you enjoy part 10! i dont know how much longer i can keep this going, but thank you for sticking around!)

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