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Fact #91:
If you type in 52.376552/5.198303 on google you will see a dead body being dragged into a lake

Fact #92:
Only 5-10% of the ocean is explored, so we really don't know whats out there

Fact #93:
If you sit on an old chair in an empty room, you could get possessed

Fact #94:
1/20 people are mentally insane

Fact #95:
Some people say where your birthmark is in it indicates where your cause of death is from.

Fact #96:
Rabbits can eat their own babbies when they get stressed out

Fact #97:
A man received the transplanted heart of a suicide victim, marry the donor's widow, kill himself exactly the same way the donor did!

Fact #98:
There's a psychological phenomenon called "pareidolia" where you sometimes see a face in some things,like fruits,tables and even in an empty room,but once you saw a face then it appears right? there is a chance that it is a ghost.

Fact #99:
A writer predicted how the Titanic would sink in 1898, 13 years before it was even built.

Fact #100:
A woman in pakistan killed and cooked her husband because he wanted a sexual relationship with her daughter.

Fact: #101:a
When the person committed suicide, hell is the only place where he/she can be thrown out. Suicidal is a mortal sin.

Fact #102:
While filming the movie 'The Exorcist', many actors got injured, the set burned down, a Priest was brought in several times to bless the set, and the actor who played Burke, Jack MacGowran, died of Influenza.

Fact #103:
After the first day of filming The Conjuring, Vera Farmiga found three unexplained claw marks on her skin.

Fact #104:
In "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" there was a long chapter where the kids were crushed and made into fudge.

Fact #105:
There is a ride in Disneyland where it ends in hell.

Fact #106:
Nostradamus scariest prediction was his death. He predicted the time of his death and he actually died on the day he predicted.

Fact #107:
There is a disease named Ondine's Curse which causes sufferers to die if they fall asleep.

Fact #108:
Most of the people agreed that dying while sleeping is the best way to die. Peaceful not signs of torture nor pain. Some says that Demon carry them, the ones who are dying while being asleep are going to hell but sometimes demons can be clumsy and drop them by accident. Remember that time you felt like falling in your dream and suddenly woke up?

Fact #109:
Mount everest has 200 dead bodies on it, which are now landmarks on the way to top.

Fact #110:
3:00 am. The Devil's hour it is said that the veil between our world and the paranormal is thin for demons, spirits & interdimensional creatures.

Fact #111:
The letters in the phrase " The Titanic Disaster " can be rearranged to make " Death, it starts in ice"

Fact #112:
The original bible has been burnt by vatican.

Fact #113:
A restaurant manager at Disneyland Paris killed himself in 2010 and scratched a message on a wall saying " Je ne veux pas retourner chez Mickey " which translates to " I don't want to work with Mickey anymore".

Fact #114:
The teletubbies also has a lost episode where in they killed the creator of the show.

Fact #115:
In the movie Despicable me, the minions are inspired about the kids that died in the holocaust.

Fact #116:
Cinderella is a murderer. She killed her stepsisters and cooked them, she put them in a jar and gave it to here stepmother. Her stepmother died in shocked when she saw her daughters organs and others.

Fact #117:
The Elevator Game was a ritual game originated at Korea. It is Rumored that this ritual will take you to the other dimension which is you are the only one that EXISTS.

Fact #118:
Ghosts have sense of humor and love to hear human's laugh. So it means the more you laugh the more you attracts ghost. And people who are always laughing attracts more and powerful bad ghosts.

Fact #119:
If your pet (dog/cat) looks differently at you, it's deff. not looking at you because it is looking at the spirit/ghost behind you.

Update for today. I started thinking if i should update every week but then i remember our online class is starting so i might not have time..

P.S i started this book almost a year ago, but then i forgot that i have wattpad because i was busy at school and mostly enjoying my last few days because we were close to graduating.

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