| About Social Axiety disorder & others. |

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•What is social anxiety disorder or social phobia?

—Social anxiety disorder, or social phobia, is more than just shyness or occasional nerves.

— Social anxiety disorder involves intense fear of certain social situations.•What causes social anxiety?

—Social anxiety is actually quite common.•Signs and symptoms of social anxiety disorder.

—Just because you occasionally get nervous in social situations doesn’t mean you have social anxiety disorder or social phobia.

•Physical signs and symptoms-Behavioral signs and symptoms

•How to overcome social anxiety disorder
TIP : 1 — Challenge negative thoughts.

—Step 1: Identify the automatic negative thoughts that underlie your fear of social situations.

—Step 2: Analyze and challenge these thoughts. It helps to ask yourself questions about the negative thoughts.•Thinking styles that fuel social anxiety

Ask yourself if you’re engaging in any of the following unhelpful thinking styles;

—Tip 2: — Focus on others, not yourself.

—Tip 3:— Learn to control your breathing.

—Tip 4:—Face your fears

—Tip 5:—Make an effort to be more social.

-Tip 6: —Adopt an anti

-anxiety lifestyle

The ff. are;

•Avoid or limit caffeine
Coffee, tea, soda, and energy drinks act as stimulants that increase anxiety symptoms.

•Get active – Make physical activity a priority—30 minutes per day if possible.

•Add more omega-3 fats to your diet.
Such as ;
Sardines and etc.

•Drink only in moderation
(For alcoholic drinker)
Because alcohol increases your risk of having an anxiety attack.

•Quit smoking

•Get enough quality sleep

Another short update for today!

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