Chapter 23

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Just above the horizon was an island of grass and rock. It had two large points flying upwards, hiding what was inside. Shipwreck Cove. Home of Pirates they say, a stronghold only they could penetrate. Closer and closer they got, the island only grew in size. It was right out in the open, disgused in it's mossy exterior you would mistake for just a regular island. Smoke between the two points reigned high, signaling those who knew the island to come forth. The Pearl grazed by the cliff edge, no visible beaches making the island scare off its visitors. Each man of the crew stared off the side of the ship, the beauty of the island so captivating you would mistake it for a goddess in the water.

"Look alive and keep a weather eye!" Gibbs commanded walking down the main deck "not for naught it's called Shipwreck Island. Where lies Shipwreck Cove and the town of Shipwreck."

They really got use out of the word Shipwreck.

"You heard him. Step lively!" Pintel ordered springing the crew into action.

Jack, Lydia and Gibbs continued up the main deck as the rest ran behind them.

"For all that pirates are clever clogs, we are unimaginable when it comes to naming things," Jack said.

"Aye," Gibbs agreed.

"I once sailed with a geezer who lost both of his arms and part of his eye," Jack explained stopping the three at the stairs.

"What did you call him?" Lydia wondered.

"Larry," He replied.

Lydia let out a loud laugh hearing just how unimaginative Jack had been with his own naming. Not that she could have thought of anything better.

"That's the best you could have thought of?" Lydia giggled.

"I didn't think it was that bad," Jack replied shrugging.

"Sure Mr Sparrow," Lydia continued to laugh as she trailed him up the stairs.

"Okay what do you think he should have been called?" Jack cut her off, trapping her between him and the railing.

Taking a second to think, it was actually harder to think of a name than she thought, especially with Jack smirking at her like he was. When she wasn't replying with any names, Jack began to chuckle.

"Aha cat got tongue," He winked.

"No I'm just rubbish at names. Larry is still silly for a name," She said as she pushed passed him.


There was an opening in the island, one not clear to anyone but a pirates eye. The carved out shape perfect for ships to glide through and the Black Pearl definitely did. A fortress was above them. Stacked together multiple ships built the tower that was Shipwreck, millions of lanterns decorating each floor. You could see the cluster of ships surrounding it, even the silhouettes of people traveling across the area. Never before had Lydia seen anything like it. So crooked and almost not holding together, yet sturdier than any building she had seen before. It was a labyrinth of twisted paths and entrances, each decorated with everything you expected Pirates to have. Stolen items of gold and jewels collapsed from other pirates travels, everyone unloading ready for the big meeting of pirate Lord's. She was told she had to be there, and assuming her parents standing in this world there had to be a reason why it was so important for her to be there.

Docking up the ship, Lydia gazed up at the structure as the crew surrounded her, ready to hear the Captain's orders. It was Barbossa who spoke first, seeing Lydia's eyes dance over the area made him laugh slightly.

"We dock up for the night. Go have your fun. I, Jack and Lydia as well as Gibbs, Pintel and Regetti attend the meeting. No one else shall be there savvy?" Barbossa announced.

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