Chapter 8

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"I'm so so sorry to disturb you Danielle but I had no one else to talk to. It's about you girl Dese!"

"What about my homegirl Dese!?"

"It's....It's not working out," said Kyrie with a regretful look on his face.

Danielle couldn't believe the words that was coming from Kyrie's mouth about him and Dese's relationship. She was very intrigued to find out more, so she instantly welcome to come inside.

"Come on inside and let's talk about this," she said.

"Are you sure Danielle I don't want to intrude. Dese told me that you got back with your ex husband and I want him to catch me over here."

"Dese my girl, and I really want to help y'all work it out....and besides he's at come on in."

Danielle was really concerned because she never seen Kyrie like this he had a very sad look on his face but at the same time she was a bit happy that their relationship wasn't working out.

"So what's going on between you too Kyrie?"

"I think she's cheating on."

"Do you have proof? And what makes you think that?"

" I don't know! I gave up my massage business for her, I do all that I can to show her how much I care for her. And all she does is complain and accuses me of still messing around with some of my massage clients! And I allow her to check my phone but everytime I check her phone with his wife and then she's always complaining or making up some excuse why her phone it's always lock or she claims that her phone always needs to be charged..... in one day I seen some mysterious car pick her up in front of the apartment one day."

"Well.....ummm....Dese is more of the not settling down type.... But I would have told you that if y'all two never would have gotten together so damn fast!"

"So you're saying that she is cheating on me?"

" I'm not saying that but I know my best friend and she's a bit of a Maneater. And most of the relationships she gets in. The last no more than a month for two. She haven't been in a long relationship since she broke up with her baby-daddy."

"Why haven't you gave me a chance Danielle!? I need someone that's stable and someone that's loyal like you."

"Whoa! Whoa! You made your bed now you sleep in it you're the one who ended up dating my best friend."

" I only did that to get back at you because you just wrote me off after your ex-husband caught us together.... I just didn't think me and Dese was going to fall for each other like this."

"Look Kyrie, it's not right that you're hopping between girls, first you shack up with my best friend and now since you think she's cheating on you here you are at my doorstep saying how regretful you are for not choosing me instead of her."

"I'm sorry Danielle."

"I'm sorry too Kyrie...but I think you should go home and call Dese and try to work it out and tell her how you feel instead of telling me."

" I can't call her because she won't answer none of my calls."

"Because I cussed her out."

"She's really going to cuss you out if she catches you over here so you better go before-

" Danielle why did you really let me come in?"


"why did you really let me come in?.... While knowing damn well that either Dese or your ex-husband could be coming through that door any second."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2020 ⏰

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