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If things keep going at the same rate I'll be over half way today. This morning I checked my cuts they seemed all right, last time I cut myself my wounds turned strange colours because I hadn't looked after them and had to lie to my mum and to a doctor to get them treated and I don't want a repeat of that. Soon I won't have to worry about that seeing as I'm  going to be dead.

When I got to the club room there seemed to be a strange sort of tension in the air. Kageyama and Tsukishima were glaring at each other.
"Oh here he is, the boy in question, Hinata do you think that Kageyama is being a prick?" Tsukishima asked coyly
I wasn't sure how to answer so I just said "um"
Tsuki took this to mean yes.
"You've been so much more annoying than usual, especially to Hinata I'm not sure what your intentions are for that son of bitch, but get on with it we are all sick and tired of you Kageyama. We can all see the hunger in your eyes for Hinata so fuck him or kill him, I don't care just stop fucking up my life."
Out of nowhere Kageyama punched Tsukishima breaking his glasses.
"Take it back." He spat
"No." Tsuki got another punch to the face.
"Take it back." Kageyama growled much more fiercely this time.
"No" Tsuki said slowly, which made Kageyama even angrier.
He launched himself at Tsukishima, who fought back aggressively, it was like watching two massive bears maul each other to death. Tanaka and Nishinoya were telling encouragement. While Daichi and Suga were trying (unsuccessfully) to pull them apart. Once Asahi and coach helped Daichi and Suga, Tsukishima and Kageyama were bloody messes with torn clothes.
Daichi banned Kageyama and Tsukishima from club activities for a few days.

I was really confused about what happened. "We can all see the hunger in your eyes for Hinata" what Tsuki said really confused me. What the hell did he mean? He also called me "a son of a bitch" which really made me mad but I wasn't going to start fighting him like Kageyama. Why did Kageyama fight him? Does it have something to do with me? Or something to do with why he's been questioning me?


I fucking hate Tsukishima. It was as if he looked right through me and laid me bare for the whole world to see. I want to go back and beat him into a bloody pulp until there's nothing left but his glasses. Hinata was right there. God I hope he didn't take it the wrong way. He's is an idiot so there is a good chance he wouldn't have understood, but still I want him to be my idiot.


Because of what happened between Kageyama and Tsukishima, my mind was distracted I scored a lot more strikes, 20 strikes. But it was getting me closer to my end goal so I was fine with that. I thought over Tsukishima words and I've come up with a conclusion. Kageyama has a plan for me and all my suspicions were right something bad is going to happen to me if Kageyama gets his hands on me. I'm over halfway with 60 strikes. So whatever Kageyama has in store for me, bring in it on I'll be dead soon anyway.

100 Strikes ~ Kagehina Where stories live. Discover now