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25 strikes, a quarter of the way there.
I keep wondering about my funeral. Will anyone other than my mum and my sister show up? I doubt that anyone would cry. No one's going to miss me. Even if they do would what would they miss me for? I'm failure at everything and have no talents. I'm wondering if I should write a will? I don't own many possessions and my mum will probably give them all to charity or an underfunded volleyball club. I hope when I go to the club today Kageyama won't question me as much.

Well wishes certainly don't come true as the second I stepped into the gym Kageyama harassed me with questions. "How are you today?" "Are you ready for practice?" "Are you having a maths test on Friday?" "Have you eaten today?" "Did you have a good night's sleep?" On and on he went. It was like he wanted the world record for most questions asked in five minutes. Even if I had wanted to answer him I wouldn't have time to. I would have to admit defeat. "Kageyama, could you please stop?"
Once he realised I said something, he stopped talking even though he looked like he had a hundreds more bubbling in his mind. I walked off before he could start spewing more questions at me.


Hinata seemed more distracted than usual, maybe because I kept pestering him with questions. Every time he and I were in ear shot of each other I would ask him questions. I wanted to see how long it would take for him to crack and answer one. Tanaka told me to shut up before I got my answer, to be fair I was annoying to everyone else at not just Hinata who looked like he wanted to strangle me. But I was determined, so I was going keep asking him questions tomorrow as well.


For god's sake will be ever shut up? I bet everyone in the club wanted to kill him after today. Why? Why was he so persistent? I'm praying to every god in existence to shut him up tomorrow. 15. I'm getting better or worse depending on how you look at it. I'm making more mistakes which means I'm getting closer and closer to death. 15 strikes today. Which means I'm being consistent. My grand total is currently standing at 40 which is almost half way, and it's only been 3 days if this keeps up at this pace I'll be dead by next week. I might die sooner if Kageyama keeps harassing me with his questions.

100 Strikes ~ Kagehina Where stories live. Discover now