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It was the weekend which meant I practice so I decided to plan for my death I needed 31 more points, I thought I could rack that up in two days so I could die on an unconventional Wednesday because it a strange time and why not eh?
I knew when and where, I planing right after school so Tsukishima and Kageyama get the blame, I know that's mean but they've always been to me so I thought why not be mean back. Now the difficult bit the note I wasn't sure how I was supposed to write one. I know I want to write one but it's not like in school they give you the format to write a suicide note. I'm not going to mention any names of those who bully me I feel like that would be too mean. I just wonder if Tsukishima and Kageyama would come to my funeral?


I asked Sugawara and Yamaguchi to help me persuade Tsukishima to sign the "I'm sorry" card for Hinata seeing as they were the nicest of our team and Yamaguchi was good friends with Tsuki.
"I'm really sorry for his behaviour." Yamaguchi kept apologizing
"Yamaguchi, it's fine your not the one who should be apologize, and not to me either."
"I think this is a wonderful idea." Said Suga cheerfully "Hopefully I can blackmail him into doing it seeing as I'm the vice captain."
Oh I didn't expect Sugamama to have a dark side.

Tsukishima had a very big and elegant house. We were greeted at the door by Tsuki's older and hell of lot more cheerful older brother. Who pointed us in the direction of his room. Without bothering to knock because I  thought it would pose him off we entered his room. "Tsukishima"
He had his headphones on and couldn't hear us. Yamaguchi lightly tapped him on the shoulder and Tsuki jumped up almost hitting the ceiling.
"What on earth are you doing here?"
He screamed at us.
"We want you to sign an apology card to Hinata for what you said yesterday." Suga explained calmly
"Yeah right." He said his voice dripping in sarcasm
"You will sign it or I will make you apologize directly to Hinata."
"Like you have the power to do that."
"I am your vice captain which means I do have the power to do that. And you will be banned from club activities for a month if you don't apologize to him."
Tsukishima sighed "Fine I'll sign your stupid card."
'I am soooooo sorry Hinata, I'll never do it again cross my heart and hope to die' it looked like he couldn't keep out the scarcasm in his writing.
"Thank you, now we won't disturb you any longer."
And we left.
Yamaguchi has some business to attention to so he ran off, leaving me and Suga.

"I also better get going" Suga started to say
"Suga before you go, can I ask you a question?"
"Sure, go ahead."
"How do you confess to your crush."
Suga eyes lit up like when a mother is proud of her son.
"You have a crush! Oooh is it someone I know tell me all the details."
I was blushing brighter than a tomato
"I-i-its Hinata" I mumbled
"Ooh my baby boy is fleeing the nest, mama is very proud. This is why you arranged for this didn't you?"
"Yep." I was still really embarrassed
"Well I'd tell him outright, oooh it's Valentine's Day on Wednesday why don't you tell him then, that would very romantic."
"Sure, thanks"
"Kageyama do you mind if I tell Daichi about your crush on Hinata?"
"Well he and I have a bet on, I think you would fall in love Hinata and Daichi thinks your asexual and Aromatic and the only thing you love is volleyball."
"Ok then."
"Thanks, also if it turns out badly feel free to give me a call and me and Daichi can sort it out."
"Thanks Suga."
"No problemo" he said as he walked off with a smile. Wednesday I couldn't wait.


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