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I woke up which surprised me because I was supposed to be dead. Everything too blank, too white, maybe this was heaven. Nah I'd done too many bad things in my life to go to heaven and wasn't suicide considered a sin.
A voice spoke my name, it reverberated around my skull in a painful manner like nails on a chalkboard underwater.
It spoke again, this time I looked in the direction of the voice. It looked like someone familiar. Like a demon or an angel taking the shape of someone you knew from your former life.
This time I really looked at the figured and I recognized them: it was Kageyama.
He was they when I jumped, he must have been so sad he jumped after me, but why would he do that he hates me?
"Ok, calm down Kageyama"


The doctors told me he'd wouldn't pull through, that he'd never open his eyes again, never talk to me again.

But still I came to the hospital to ask him questions even if he was in a coma. Sometimes the doctors would tell me he had a flicker of brain activity while I was here and I knew I was making it up for my sakes but maybe just maybe he might be able to hear me.

So when he opened his eyes and told me to calm down, I leaped and hugged him so hard I was worried his head would fall off.


Kageyama filled me in on what happened when I jumped and when I was in a coma for two weeks. He came to visit me every day and sometimes brought others along to cheer me up.

But there was something he still hadn't told me, why was he following me on that night?

"Hm what?"
"You know the night I jumped?"
"Yes?" He asked not quite sure where I was going with this
"Why were you following me?"
He turned tomato red.
"Um I was going to ......" He trailed off using strange hand gestures
"Spit it out."
"Confess that I have a crush on you" he finally managed to spit out, he looked away in shame.
"Kageyama, look at me"
He did what he was told.
"I'll be honest with you if you had told me back then I wouldn't have believed you and thought it was just a ruse to trick me into doing something."
He bit his lip and it was very cute.
"But now with you here helping me out, Kags." It was a nickname I'd given to him when I was sedated and couldn't say his name in full.
He blushed.
"Yes." And I kissed him on the top of his nose.
"I didn't have you say yes to just peck me on the nose." He said as he put his hand on my cheek. And kissed me on the lips, tongue and all.

The End

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