Is It Worth It?

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Volleyball, the only thing I truly loved. Ever since that fateful game, where the tiny giant flew at nationals, I've been hooked. I used to be so determined to play volleyball, I practiced in the corner of the gym all by myself until I finally got the chance to play in a team. Now I wished I'd never picked up a ball. Every time I'd mess up there would be snickers and extremely harsh criticism from my teammates and it just brought me lower and lower. And now I'm thinking to myself is it even worth it? I watched one match and had felt so much inspiration but now all I feel is dread and regret.

Kageyama and Tsukishima are the worst of the bunch, they never stop insulting me and always make sure I know how badly I've messed up. The pair of them despise each other but they can both agree to how bad I am at volleyball. It's gotten to the extent that whenever I mess up, even when they aren't with me, they seem to taunt me in my head making sure I know how much of a failure I really am.

So I've decided to do something about it. An ending in a way and a punishment in another. 100 strikes. I'm giving myself a 100 strikes, a 100 mess ups then once I reach that I'm going to do the only thing that will end this torture: die. I'm not going to tell the others, obviously, but I'd doubt they'd care anyway. I wonder how Kageyama would react? He'd probably laugh and then kill me himself.


Dammit Hinata. Why are you still in my head? You looked terrible today, a sickly pale colour, with dark bags under your eyes. I want to take you home and make sure you eat and sleep. What's going on with you? Are you ok? You always separate yourself from the rest of the group and you hardly talk. We ask you if you're ok and you force a smile and say your fine. I know I'm part of that problem but I want to get better.

For you Hinata I will promise from now on I will be nicer to you, and not because you look like hell or your constantly in my head. It's because I'm worried about you. Something is going on with you, and I'm dam sure I'm going to get to the bottom of it. Please be ok.

100 Strikes ~ Kagehina Where stories live. Discover now