Chapter 8: KAREN

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"Another day, another dollar"

Sleep didn't come. Not at first. I was staring at the ceiling for a while, the events of the day mulling around in my head, the day long and yet fulfilling. I liked interacting will the customers. Each one a mystery ready to unravel. Some just came to the food while others the conversation. It was constant and I liked that. I smiled at the idea of being an Aunty and the fact I'd having a brother n law. Then I looked around the room I called mine for the past few weeks. It was no longer mine. It was my future niece and nephews. As much as I loved them I had to find my own place. Soon.


I closed my eyes for what seemed like a second and when I opened them again my alarm was going off.  Seven hours gone in a single blink. I went to push snooze button and thought better of it. A quick shower and I made ready. I had to rack my brain to figure out where one of my shoes had disappeared to. Once that mystery was solved I packed a small bag with a few items including black yoga pants. It'll have to do till I buy some track pants.

As I entered the laundry I discovered a nice and tidy stack of folded clothes. My clothes. Janine had also dried Max's denim jacket which now seemed a more vibrant blue. In fact it didn't look denim at all. It looked violet. It looked more like a jacket for a large woman than a medium man. I paused. I shrugged and decided he had to have known. Maybe he's gay. Or very feminine.

I didn't have time for this. I quickly stuffed the jacket in to my bag when I noticed that there was a second jacket that I wore back in the day. It was hot pink with a fuzzy hood trim. It was a miracle of technology.  A phase I went through in my late teens. An unfortunate era in my life where everything had to be pink. I sighed at the memory, a very unfortunate memory.

The bus collected me from across the street. Steve, the bus driver seemed like a capable individual and for the most part drove as a competent person. He was a hefty old clogger in his early 60s and had spent the last 30 years driving a bus in one form or another, giving ample qualification to be employed as city bus driver. Oh and he called me lovely which seemed like a good omen to me, well for my ego anyway.

I arrived at work forty-five minutes early, giving me enough time for a coffee and some breakfast. All the staff had gathered around, as if we were waiting on something. Cathy was sitting at the bar having a cup of coffee while talking to Mr Kacy. Their conversation was low key but personal. There was another staff member I hadn't met yet but assumed I'd have the opportunity later. Doris and Tony stood near by talking in the corner.

I checked the time. Breakfast was sounding better and better with every ticking moment. I eyed the kitchen with the eagerness of a hunting predator  . Cathy looked my way and whispered something to Mr Kacy. He nodded briefly and went into the kitchen. Raj and Monk sat at the bar staring intently at their phones oblivious to the world around them, and Trev was eyeing up the unknown waitress. She lapped up the attention.

"Ok everyone let's get this party started. As you know It's Tuesday and we know what that means." Doris said reverently. The group in the know groaned.

"Two for Tuesday's." Everyone said in unenthusiastic union.

"That's right boys and girls, Two for Tuesday's. Where they get two meals for the price of one."

"Yay." The staff members grumbled. 

"Just meals?" I asked curiously.

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