The talk and finding Jasper

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We walk into a tent and The leader I really need to learn his name says "lets talk." "My name is Queen Bralynnlena of the east and you and your people are on my land" I start "but don't not worry as long as you all let us live in peace we will let you live in peace" I finish. "Why should I believe you" The leader asks me. "Well because right now the grounders have one of you people while I am right here offering peace even though you're on MY land" I smirk. He sighs. "Fine. I'm Bellamy" he says. "Ok good now let's make plans to save Jasper." I walk out of the tent to find Clarke. I spot her and make my way to her when I feel a rock hit my ass. I stop and turn around to see the one Wells was beating up. "Hey dick face did you just throw that" I say pointing to the rock. "Oh boys I like them feisty" he smirks. "Good because I'm as feisty as they come" I stomp on the ground and my eyes flash brown. Then a big piece of ground flies at him and hits him in the stomach. I walk away satisfied with myself. "Hey Clarke in the morning I think we should go get Jasper" I say as I walk over to her. "Yeah I agree now that we know what's out there" she says looking into the forest. ----------------------------I wake up in a tree. Yeah I slept in a tree last night so I could see if anything was coming. I jump down a do a flip landing in the middle of camp. I got a lot of of dirty looks from girls because I didn't have my jacket on because I used it as a pillow so now I have it in my hand. I walk over to Clarke who is telling Monty and wells they aren't coming with us. "Wells is but Monty they need you here you are to smart to lose" I say walking up behind Clarke. Clarke huffs and we walk away together. "The only reason he is coming is because I trust you" Clarke says as she walks over to Finn. I go look for Octavia and I find her with Bellamy. "Hey how is your leg" I ask. "Better than it could have been thanks to you" she says. I look a my hip to find it all healed. Thank god for my fast healing. "No problem" I say then tie my jacket around my waist. "Thank you my sister told me what you did to save her" Bellamy says. I smile and nod to him. "Are you going to get Jasper" Octavia asks. "Yeah but you're not coming" I tell her. "Like hell I'm not" she says. "No she's right your leg will only slow us down" Clarke says coming up behind me. "I actually came for you. I here you have a gun." Gun? Bellamy lifts his shirt to show his gun. "Good you're coming with us" Clarke says then starts walking away. "Murphy you're with me come on" he says to the dick that hit my ass with a rock. "Adam my sister doesn't leave this camp" Bellamy tells Adam. "Sorry" I tell Octavia and give her a hug. "Let's go" I say to the people who are coming to find Jasper. We walk a good way from camp. I climb a tree. "What are you doing" Murphy asks. "Well if you must know I'm climbing a tree" I smirk down at him. "I know that but why" he rolls his eyes. "To make sure we are going the right way dummy" I say grabbing a branch a walking to the end of it. "Ok I can see the field where he is or should be" I yell down looking down. I see Bellamy has Clarke's wrist staring at her wristband. Oh shit. I flip down and land inches from Bellamy's face. "If you want that wristband you have to go through me" I growl. "I just need princess's wristband" he smirks. "Hey find your own nickname" Finn says finally showing up. "Come on Clarke and Bralynn with me" Finn says. "I think I will get to know Wells" I say putting my hand on Wells' shoulder. "Ok come on Clarke" he say and they walk off. "Hey I'm Bralynn" I say putting my hand out for Wells to shake. "Well you already know my name" he smiles shaking my hand. "Well now that we know each other's names. How can you move the earth" Murphy asks. "I can do a lot more thank that. I can control water,fire,air,and the earth." I say. "Sure prove it" Bellamy smirks. "Would you like the standard or deluxe version" I smirk. "Hmm deluxe sounds promising" Bellamy smirks. "Ok" I take off running and flip and fire shoots out my hands. I land on my feet and lift my hand and earth shoots up and Murphy stumbles on the earth I lifted. I jump and spin and water comes out of the ground and incases my body. I push my arms out and air comes out and I fly back a little but it hits Bellamy making me laugh. The water falls and the ground sucks it up. "Wow" Wells says. I smirk and take off running trying to find Clarke and Finn. When I find them they are playing in the water. Aw how cute. I bend down to fill my canteen. Then someone pushes me in. I look up and see Bellamy smirking down at me. "Hey" he says. "Oh I'm going to beat your ass" I laugh standing up and chasing him. I make a water ball with my hand and throw it soaking him. He stops and I bend over holding my stomach from laughing so hard. "Hey look" Finn calls. "Come on" I finally stop laughing. "We find Jaspers blood and goggles. I dry myself, Clarke, Finn, and Bellamy. "Here" I say when I see the field. I take off running but stop quickly. Clarke runs by me. "No" I yell and watch her fall but Bellamy grabs her hand. "Pull her up" I say. We get her up. Finn and Murphy go up to cut Jasper down. Then I see a panther. "Bellamy gun now" I say whispering. He searching for it but can't find it. I hear BANG BANG BANG. Wells must have the gun. He only hit it once. It goes in the bushes by me and Bellamy. I jumps at Bellamy and I push him out of the way. I put me arms over my face. BANG BANG BANG BANG CLICK CLICK CLICK. I move my arms to find the pantry dead at my feet. I bend down an kiss the panthers head. "αγώνας σας είναι πάνω" (your fight is over). My people find any animal a gift. i walk over to Wells and hug him "thank you" I tell him. We get Jasper and the Panther and take them back to the camp. "Thank you for saving me" Bellamy says when he passes me. "I have to get back to my people" I say leaving the group.

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