My nephew

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A today Clarke released me from her care. I can't even explain how happy I am to stand up without Clarke telling me to take it easy. As I go down the ladder to the last floor of the dropship I hear a scream I know all to well. "Zac" I gasp. I jump the rest of the way down the ladder and take off running out side. "This little brat and his friends thought it would be funny to sneak into my tent." I hear Murphy shout as he throws Zac to the ground. I hear my people gasp and try to help him up knowing he is my nephew. "Do not touch him" Murphy yells pulling his knife out. He puts the knife to Zac's throat. Where the hell is Bellamy. I can't watch any longer. "Hey dickface unhand my nephew" I yell. My people turn to me and gasp. "Oh look the angel here to save the day" Murphy smirks. "Oh you think that's cute" I fake smile "well I think this is cute" I smirk and stomp on the ground and a piece of ground his him in his manhood. He lets go of Zac who comes running to me. I pick him up and place him on my hip. I then hear a familiar horn. "Acid fog everyone into the dropship now" I yell. When we get into the dropship someone says "what about Murphy" "I say we let him die" one smirks. "No that's not our decision" I say then take off running to Murphy still laying on the ground from when I hit his manhood. "Hurry come on" I say trying to pick him up. "Wh-why are you helping me" he asks surprised to see me. "I'm an angel remember" I smirk and we run into the dropship at just the right time.

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