How could you

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Once I left the group I ran all the way back to my home. I get halfway there and I see lots of smoke. Oh shit. I take off sprinting. When I get there Anya and her people are killing my people. "Anya what the hell" I yell tears almost falling. "How could you" I ask. "Me!! You're the one helping the sky people" she yells at me. "LEAVE NOW" I scream to the top of my voice. I can feel my eyes glowing. I throw my hands in front of me and a earth dome forms over my remaining people. Some of Anya's people get scared and run. I blow the rest of them away with air. Then I feel a pain in my stomach I look down to see that Anya has shot me with an arrow. "You bitch" I yelled and slam her into a tree knocking her out. I fall to the ground and the earth done falls. My people come running to me. "My queen stay awake" Jake's son tells me. "Sky people" Is all I say before I pass out. ----------------------------I wake up to someone playing with my hair and dabbing my forehead with a wet cloth. I open my eyes and see Clarke. "Hey" I say smiling up at her. "I'm so glad you're awake" she says. "My people where are they" I ask trying to sit-up but I cry out in pain. "Hey take it easy. Your people are fine we have fed them and given them water." She says. "I heard a scream" Octavia says coming up the ladder. "Hey how are you" she asks me. "Well I think I might just maybe have been better" I smile. She chuckles. "Same me just a different wound" I smirk. "I will go get Bellamy he has been up here for both of the days you have been injured" she says wiggling her eyebrows. I roll my eyes. She goes down the ladder. "Well that was good to know" I smile to myself. "He really likes you and I know you like him so you better kiss him when he comes up that ladder if not then I will shove his face in yours" Clarke says. We both giggle. I have become close with Clarke and Octavia like the sisters I always wanted. "WHAT" I hear Bellamy yell. He comes running into the dropship and I hear someone fall. He fell hahahah. I giggle then he come up the ladder so fast he hits his head causing me to laugh harder. "Hey" he says trying to plait like nothing happened. "Hi" I say giggling still. "How are you feeling" he asks. "Not to good" I say. He comes closer. "Why" he asks. "Because I haven't done this" I say grabbing his arm pulling him down and kissing him. "Awwwwww" I hear. We pull away to find Jasper, Monty, Clarke, Finn, and Octavia staring at us. I wave to them. "Where is Wells" I ask. "He uh is dead" Clarke says. With all my strength I stand up and hug Clarke. "I'm sorry" I tell her. "It's ok it wasn't your fault not rest you need it" she says smiling they all turn to leave except Bellamy. "Hey Clarke my people this is a boy name Zac tell him I want to speak to him" I tell her. "Um ok Bellamy come help me get him up the ladder" she says. What? A few minutes they come up and Zac is in Bellamy's arms. "Oh my god" I stand up and grab Zac. "Sweetheart what happened" I ask him. "During the attack I was trying to help you and someone hit my leg with an arrow" he says. I hug him as hard as I can. "Bralynn who is this" Bellamy asks putting one of his hands on Zac's back. "This is Zac my four year old nephew"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Zac is four has brown short hair, he is tan, and has bright blue eyes.

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