What happened while I was out

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While everyone was trying key word trying to sleep poor Jasper was moaning and groaning in pain. "That's it" I here Murphy say. he starts walking to the ladder. "I heard Bellamy gave him another day" a girl says. "Well Bellamy isn't here" he cockily says. "No but I am" I smirk standing in front of the ladder. "Oh yeah and what will you do" John smirked at me. "Do not test me John" I say getting serious. "Move" he says pushing me aside. "No" I say and punch him in the face. He fall to the ground and I hurry up the ladder. "Lock the hatch" I say quickly. "It locks from the other side" Monty says. "Help me" I say. We sit on it until Octavia rips a piece of metal of the wall and we put it on the hatch as a homemade lock. "Where is Clarke" I ask. "Wells, Finn, and Clarke went to get medicine for Jasper" Octavia says. "And Bellamy" I ask. "Hunting" Monty says working on a bracelet. The next morning Bellamy and Clarke came into camp. I hear Murphy tell Bellamy Jasper is alive only because of his psycho sister and girlfriend bitch grounder. "MY WHAT" Bellamy yells pushing Murphy down. "Your sister and girlfriend" Murphy mumbles. "Hey that's enough Bell" I say walking over. "Leave John" he gets up and leaves. "Hey are you ok I was worried" I say looking all over Bellamy for cuts or burns. "I'm fine I promise" he says smiling down at me. "Good" I smile and stand on my tiptoes and kiss him. "Auntie" I feel a little tug on my jacket. I pick Zac up. "What do you need" I ask. "I tired" he says laying his head on my shoulder. "Me too little guy" Bellamy says ruffling Zac's hair. "Well let go take a nap" I say. We walk into Bell's tent and go to sleep.

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