what you do during quarantine

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Welp this chapter is a bit over due huh😅

He doesn't want you to get sick so you FaceTime call and text and everything

You meet in person but with masks and everything

He don't give a fuck you meet in person but if you two wanna go somewhere you have masks

You two cuddle at his place

He is too nervous about this virus and doesn't want you getting sick so you don't meet in person but you do call, text, and FaceTime

You do a mix of meeting in person and online, actually the first time you meet in person it was a complete accident

You live with him

You live with him

All might
You two get to spend more time with each other than normal because the isn't off doing hero stuff but you two live together and generally stay in

Bitch you think this zombie of a yellow caterpillar wants to go out fuck to the no. He sleeps more than usual and is in a better mood because the doesn't have to deal with 1-A

Hey y'all good news I'm technically not single for the first time lol

That's it I just wanted to brag lol

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