Chapter One: Running from Pandora

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    You ran. You ran as fast as you could. You're an illegal contractor, and you had heard that Pandora had sent someone out to 'collect' you.
    "Ah!" You tripped over something. After scrambling back to your feet, you realized what you had tripped over: a chain.
    Your eyes followed the chain back to it's origin, only a few yards away. There was a man dressed in black, a huge, magnificent raven towering behind him, engulfed in chains.
    "R-Raven!" Your eyes widened as you recognized the man who was quickly closing the distance between you both.
    Both surprise and sadness danced in his golden eyes. He forced himself to keep a dismal expression, and tried his best to ignore who you were. "I'm sorry, (nickname). I do not wish to hurt you, so please don't run or struggle."
    You looked at your childhood friend, Gilbert, with sadness in your eyes. "G-Gil! D-Don't do this!" You felt tears threatening to form in your eyes as you repeatedly thought, 'why did it have to be him?! Why did they send him?!'
    He reached for you and you instinctively jumped back.
    "Don't worry, (n/n)! I'll protect you!" A shadow called to you.
    The shadow began to form your chain: (your chain's name).
    The man you'd addressed as Gil tensed up: he knew your chain was about to attack him.
    A black mist began to form around Gilbert, and chains sprouted from the ground, seeming to surround him.
    You felt yourself tense up. You knew (y/c/n) was strong, and you did not doubt (his/her) abilities, but there was no way (he/she) would come out of this in one piece.
    Raven, the chain who currently held his position behind Gilbert, was not a force to be trifled with. He was notorious for being one of the strongest chains in existence, besides the B-rabbit and the Jabberwocky.
    You looked at your beloved friend one last time, pleading for him to let you go.
    You could see the sadness in his as he refused.
    You knew this could very well have been the last time you would ever be seen as anything but an enemy in Gilbert's eyes.
    (Y/c) waited for the order, and you hesitantly nodded, letting such a small gesture convey (his/her) mission to (him/her).
    Immediately (y/c) lunged for Gilbert's throat, which (he/she) had nearly closed on before being flung across the battlefield.
    (Y/c)'s body slammed against the ground, but it was only there for less than a millisecond before reappearing near Raven, engaging in battle with him.
    You were left to fight the one person you had hoped to never go against.
    Gilbert raised his gun to you, avoiding your gaze, to which you mirrored his action with your own gun, which had been holstered at your hip.
    You could see a flash of surprise in his expression before it returned to it's dismal state. He had not known you were armed.
    "(N/n), put the gun down."
    You scoffed. "Do you think I'm an idiot?!" You already knew that if you put the gun down, you'd be as good as dead.
    He watched you closely as you very slyly reached for your hip, never breaking eye contact with him, and grabbed your whip, and, in a flash, you had it around his thigh, and moments later, Gilbert hit the ground.
    You slightly smirked in triumph as his gun flew several feet away from him. Immediately you had one foot on his chest, keeping him pinned to the ground, and your gun aimed at his head, your finger at the trigger, waiting for him to make a move.
    "I... I'm sorry, Gil.... It wasn't supposed to end like this...," your voice wavered and cracked, even though you tried your hardest to keep it steady. You tried to keep an empty expression, although you had to blink away the tears that were threatening to form in your (e/c) orbs.
    Gil portrayed no expression other than guilt and sadness. You didn't understand; why wasn't he angry? Why wasn't he scared?
    You were yanked out of your thoughts when you felt a very sharp pain hit your chest. Gilbert hadn't moved. He hadn't done anything. You stumbled backwards, nearly falling over. 'What had hit me?'
    It was then that you caught a glimpse of (y/c/n) falling to the ground out of the corner of your eye. (His/her) seemingly limp body hit the ground and did not get back up.
    For a moment you thought (he/she) was dead, but the very slight rise and fall of (his/her) chest proved otherwise.
    You noted the chain that pierced through (his/her) chest at the same point that yours now seemed to agonizingly burn.
    Raven was about to go for the kill, but stopped when Gilbert promptly shouted for him not to.
    You hadn't noticed that Gil had gotten up and was approaching you. Your chest ached so horribly that you were struggling to stay conscious. At that, you fell, but you didn't hit the ground.
    Your half-lidded (e/c) eyes met his golden ones. You saw panic within them. He quickly ripped the fabric that covered the lower area of your collarbone, revealing your incuse, now three-fourths a way through it's cycle.
    "No....," he breathed. The panic in his eyes began to grow. "No, y-you can't already be this far along..."
    It took you a moment to realize what he just had. You were far enough into the cycle to now inherit wounds inflicted upon your chain. You let out a cruel chuckle as you realized this.
    It was then that he noticed the pool of red liquid forming near the area of your heart.
    Noticing this, you let out yet another cruel chuckle and said, "well I guess this is it for me, huh?" You smiled, or at least you tried to before grimacing in pain.
    Gilbert promptly shook his head in disbelief, and that was the last thing you saw before your vision became cloudy and it faded to black.

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