1: Memories

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*third person POV*

*Flashback to when they were 5*

"Itsuki! Come play with me!"
Tenko shouted to his sister. He was sitting alone. No one wanted to play with him during break. It was a few days after they found out what their quirk was. Itsuki's quirk is Demonic Transformation quirk, while Tenko has a disintegration quirk. The other students often avoided them, saying they had villain quirks and they could never be heroes. Itsuki started running over to her brother, but one of the students tripped her. To be specific, it was Bakugo. She brushed herself off after getting up and went over to her brother, leaving Bakugo to his group of friends/their bullies.

*Time skip to when they were  nine*
Hisashi and Inko Midoriya were fighting as usual. This time, Hisashi physically hit Inko in front of the young children. This is when Itsuki used her quirk.  Horns came out of her head and sharp claws grew on her hands. "Leave our mother alone and get out of our house!" The 9 year old girl screamed at her father.
"Get out and never come back!" She lunged at him, claws cutting his left eye, causing him to lose vision in that eye. He ran out the door, trying to escape the monster his daughter turned into. Before he left, he made things worse. "You little freak! You were a mistake! And that's all you'll ever be! A useless little bitch like you will never be a hero! You should just give up and die!" Itsuki tried to jump at him, but Tenko, who is wearing gloves so he doesn't use his quirk on her, grabbed her, preventing her from causing anymore harm to him.

*In middle school*

*Itsuki's POV*
*Time skip to before the teacher arrived*
First day of middle school, first day of school without Tenko. It has been 4 years since we last saw him. Mom has been losing sleep, wondering where her son is. She also turned to alcohol, so I normally find her passed out on the couch, empty bottles littering the table. Kacchan has been bullying me worse, even went as far as calling me Deku, even though my quirk is stronger than his. He is still friends with Tsubasa and the others. I might as well give up. I probably won't find Tenko, and I won't be able to become a hero with my quirk. "Deku! Get over here, you stupid nerd!" Kacchan yelled at me from across the room. What he fuck does that Angry Pomeranian want with me? "What is it now, Kacchan?" He pinned me to the wall by my throat, burning it slightly as his hand heated up. There was no one in the room to help me. Even if there was, they wouldn't. "If you ever think about trying to apply to UA, I will kill you. You can't be a hero with a villains quirk. You should just pray for a heroes quirk in your next life, and take a swan dive off the roof!" He dropped me to the ground and went to his seat. The teacher came in and I asked to go to the bathroom. He let me, and I started running to the girls bathrooms. I had my makeup bag with me, so I pulled out the cover-up my mom gave me. Since I scared my father away when I was a child, all her injuries faded away, and she didn't need it. I covered up the burn, and then pulled out my blade. "Might as well add some more." I muttered to myself. I rolled up my sleeve and pulled off the glove and bandages that were on my right arm. (T/W! Skip if you're not comfortable) I put the blade against my wrist and added a cut. It felt like the world was disappearing. It was calming, like no one could hurt me. I added another cut below it. Useless little bitch.... You can't be a hero with a villains quirk... You should just give up and die. I could hear those words repeating in my head. I added more cuts. By the time I was done, I had 15 cuts added to the others. I pulled out the bandages and neatly wrapped my arm. I then pulled on my glove and rolled down my sleeve. I'll have to start cutting my left arm. My right arm has no more room...

A/N: 742 words. Sorry if this first chapter is shitty. I was working on it for a few days and I haven't been sleeping very well, so I hope you enjoyed this, and don't hate. I'm tired as Hell, and I know I'm bad at writing, but don't hate. Author-chan out.

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