2: "Tenko?"

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*Timeskip to after school*
*Still Deku POV*

Everyone left me alone all day. I was used to being alone, having everyone stare at me and talk bad about me behind my back. I zoned out while walking home, thinking about Tenko. I didn't notice I had walked in front of a car until someone in a black sweatshirt and mask pulled me out of the way and into an alleyway. That's when I noticed the gloves they were wearing. They looked like the gloves Tenko had when we were children, they only covered the ring finger on both hands so he didn't disintegrate anyone. "Dumb bitch. Watch where you're walking next time. If you don't, I'll take off a glove and watch you turn into ash!" I recognized the voice I hadn't heard in 4 years. It was my older brother. "Tenko?" He looked surprised at the name I used. "I-Itsuki? What happened after I left?" I looked at the ground, unzipped my sweater so my neck was exposed and wiped the cover-up off of my neck, exposing the hand-shaped burn mark on my throat. "Kacchan got worse and everyone but mom and aunt Mitsuki is avoiding me. Mom wants you to come back. She's drinking because she misses you." I saw tears at the corner of his eyes, tears threatening to fall after I zipped the sweater back up over the burn. I slowly moved my hand up to his face and wiped them. "This all happened because I left, didn't it? I wasn't there to help you. I'm sorry, little sister." "Tenko, it's okay. Let's go get mom off the couch. She's probably asleep." I tried to grab his hand to take him home, but he pulled it away. "Has she done anything to you when drunk?" I looked at the ground as tears formed in my eyes. "Kai, tell me. Did she do anything?" "S-she threw e-empty bottles at me, b-but she d-didn't mean to, a-and none hit me. T-Tenko, a-are you a villain?" I asked him as if it were a regular question to ask anyone. "...yes..." He turned his head away from me, as if he was ashamed of being a villain. "You probably hate me now, huh lil sis?" He looked surprised when I hugged him. "I would never hate you, Tenko. You're my big brother. I love you." By now, both of us had tears. Tenko decided to come visit mom and make sure she didn't throw any bottles at me. When we walked in, our mom was sober. "Itsuki, where were you and who is that behind you?" She looked worried. "I'm surprised you don't recognize me... Mom." She looked surprised when she heard the voice of the child she hadn't seen in years. Tears rolled down her cheeks. "Tenko! I missed you so much! Why on earth did you run away?" He looked at the floor, upset by the question she had asked. "They got worse..." Mom looked confused at what he had said. "Who got worse, Tenko?" Mom asked him, concerned for her child. He slowly looked up. "The bullies. They were tormenting us since they found out our quirks, saying they were villain quirks, that we couldn't be heroes. They were right. They are the reason..."

A/N: 557 words. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you were upset by the ending of the first chapter, I very much apologize. Author-chan out.

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