6: Present

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*Deku POV*

*Timeskip to when Deku went to the base*

Izu-chan! You actually joined!" Toga jumped on me when I walked into the base with my brother. "Hi Toga-san! Where is the burnt chicken nugget at?" Toga started laughing when I called Dabi that. "Don't worry about it, Itsu. I'll call him..." Tenko said. He told me his name is now Tomura Shigaraki, but imma keep calling him Tenko in the base. "DABI! GET YOUR FATASS DOWN HERE OR I'LL LEAVE YOU!" He then realized what he said, and looked at Toga. She looked like she was about to explode with happiness. "My ship has sailed! Eee!!!" I immediately covered my ears. "Ow! Toga-san, will you quit squealing? My ears hurt!" She looked sad. "I'm sorry, Izu-chan. I was just happy they're together." "It's okay, Toga-san." I decided to give her something to pick on my brother about. I whispered so he wouldn't hear. "I looked at his phone a bit, and found some pics if the burnt nugget he got a nosebleed from. They're gayer for each other than you think." She giggled. I heard Dabi running down the steps. "I was doing something, you dumb fucks!" I just giggled. My eyes turned red and black. "I. Don't. Give. A. Shit! I wanted to see my new friends, but then one of them decided to be an ass! I may be dumb, but I swear on Tenko's grave, Toya, if you are that rude again, I will not hesitate to break your neck and tear your limbs off of your body!" Tenko then grabbed me and told me to calm down before Mamagiri woke up. Dabi and Toga-san looked terrified but impressed with me. "One, that was fucking terrifying, but impressive. Two, my name isn't Toya, and his isn't Tenko." I glanced at my brother. "No, he is Tenko. I know my brother anywhere, you dumb fuck." Realization then hit him. "You're his sister?!" He looked surprised. "Yes, you dummy! Can't wait for you to be my brother in law." I rolled my eyes and chuckled. I looked at both of them and noticed they were blushing. "I'll forgive the burnt chicken nugget if you two kiss, Tenko!" They blushed even more. "N-no, Itsuki." I made my eyes turn completely black. They looked like bottomless holes shaped like eye sockets. "I'll say it again, Tenko Shimura and Toya Todoroki. Kiss or I will not forgive Toya. You wouldn't want me to be your enemy. Especially when you die." They both looked scared, then kissed each other. My eyes went back to normal, and I yawned. "Finally. *Yawn* Hey Tenko?" He looked at me. "Yeah, Itsu? Do you want to take a nap?" I nodded. "Can I lay on your lap, please? I'm not comfortable with the others." He just smiled. "Of course. You are my little sister after all." He sat down on the couch and let me lay down and get comfortable. "Will you sing for me? You have a beautiful singing voice." I whispered. "Sure, but if they annoy me about it, it's your fault." I just giggled and smiled. "Okay!" He then started singing. I sang with him.

(Fem vocals are Deku. Male is Shigaraki)

He was surprised for a second when I joined in, but quickly recovered and continued singing. Toga stopped annoying Dabi and listened to us, except we didn't notice. When we finished singing, I immediately fell asleep. Tenko still had his gloves on, so he started gently running his hand through my hair. Since I wasn't fully asleep, I heard him whisper to Dabi. "Babe, can you go get me the box in my closet? The one I never let you look in." I was a little confused. "Sure, kitten." Tenko blushed at the pet name. When Dabi came back, he handed the box to Tenko. When he opened the box, he made me sit up. I opened my eyes and yawned. "I have a surprise for you, little sister." He pulled a purple hoodie with teal hood and sleeves out of the box. I am a few inches shorter than him, and the hoodie looked big enough to fit him. "Toga saw it in the store and asked me if you would like it. I forced her to buy it." He looked nervous, so I pulled it out of his hands and put it on before he noticed. Then I laid back down in his lap. "Thank you, Tenko and Toga-san!"

A/N: 758 words. Shout-out to strawberrykithes for making me feel a bit better about my writing. Everyone reading this is amazing. Slow updates on my stories will be common. Bye, my amazing villians! Author-chan out!

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