Jealous (Yu Nishinoya)

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You were packing your bag for the night to head to your boyfriends house, he had the idea to have you and all the guys from the team over for a sleepover, but he preferred to call it a 'hang out'.

When you arrived to Noya's house you knocked on the door and were greeted by an extra enthusiastic Noya "(Y/n)! You're here!" Noya called as he pulled you in for a tight hug, you giggled and asked "Are the guys not here yet?" Noya detached his arms from your torso and pulled you inside before shutting the door "Nah, they aren't here yet, but they should be here soon! Wanna play some video games while we wait for them?" You nodded your head in response "Yeah but I'm gonna go change into my pajamas first" You said as you walked away to Noya's bedroom to get changed, when you entered his room you threw you bag on the bed and opened it up pulling out your pjs, you changed into your shorts and began to put your shirt on but stopped as you looked into Noya's closet and saw your favorite shirt of his to wear, it was long and baggie on you and even on him, you loved to wear it and you loved seeing him in it to. You walked to his closet and took the shirt off the hanger before letting it fall around your body, you couldn't see you had shorts on but it's okay as long as you know you have shorts on right? You trotted back into the living room where Nishinoya was waiting for you, when he saw you he broke into a big grin "I love it when you wear my clothes, they look hot on you!" You felt your face blush a bit at Noya's comment as you sat down between his legs to play some games before the boys arrived.

'Knock knock knock'
"THEIR HERE!" Noya jumped up and ran to open the door, "SLUMBER PARTY!!" Hinata yelled as he walked through the door "Shut up idiot" Kageyama said as he followed behind Hinata "Hey don't be so rude I can't help that I'm excited!" Hinata yelled back with furrowed eyebrows "Hinata! Kageyama! Glad you could make it!" Noya greeted them "Suga, Daichi, Asahi and Tanaka should be here soon, you guys can go sit down on the couch if you want and I'll go get some snacks" Noya said as he raced to the kitchen to grab some snacks for everyone. "Hey Kageyama, Hi Hinata!" You greeted them as they sat down next to you on the couch "Yeah, Hi" Kageyama said without looking at you "Hi (Y/n)! Noya didn't tell us you would be here! It's gonna be so much more fun with you with us!" Hinata exclaimed, you laughed at how excited he was for the sleepover, "Thanks Hinata, I'll try my best to make it extra fun!" You exclaimed back at Hinata. You looked over at Kageyama, his eyes were glued to the blank T.V screen "Kageyama, is something wrong? Are you okay?" You questioned but before he could answer Hinata yelled "(Y/N)! YOU DON'T HAVE PANTS ON?! IM SO SORRY I DIDN'T NOTICE!" Hinata screamed as he covered his face and looked away, just then Noya peaked his head in and looked at you furrowing his eyebrows "Oh no it's okay Hinata, I have shorts on under this" you said calming Hinata down "It still makes me feel a bit uncomfortable" you heard Kageyama mumble

'Knock knock knock'
"Hinata mind getting the door for me?" Noya asked as he pulled you to the side "Of course!" Hinata ran to the door and greeted the rest of the guys "(Y/n), why don't you go change out of my shirt" Noya whined at you "Why? I thought you said I looked hot in it" you teased "I do think that but I don't want the other guys seeing you in that, I'm the only one allowed to see you look like this" Noya frowned and whines at you some more "Are you jealous that you aren't the only one to see me looking like this?" "N-no...could you just go change please?" "Why didn't you say anything when Hinata and Kageyama got here?" "I forgot, I was too excited about our hang out I didn't remember to tell you" "But it's comfy, and you like it on me" "I love seeing you wear it but I don't want them seeing you like this, I just told you that, I'm the only one that can see you like this!" "Okay, I'll change but only if you admit that your jealous" you smirked "Hey (Y/n)! Lookin hot!" Tanaka shouted at you and that was enough to push Noya over the edge, he pulled you into his bedroom, looking sad and angry "Yes, I'm jealous, I'm the only one that can call you hot, I'm the only one that can see you wearing nothing but my long t-shirt, me and only me, no one else." "You're so cute when you get this way, I'll change but only cause you admitted it" "You can put it back on when we go to sleep but you need to change before you leave the bedroom in the morning" "Yes sir" you giggled as you gave his cheek a small kiss "I'm sorry that I made you upset, from now on you'll be the only one to see me wear things like this" "Now that's what I like to hear!" Noya exclaimed as he kissed your lips before you went to change.

(A/N sorry this kinda sucks but I tried my best! I tried to keep the characters attitudes the same here as they are in the show but I'm not sure if I was successful...also I didn't have Tsuki and Tadashi in this cause I honestly forgot to add them....but I'll remember them next time!)

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