Request: Yu Nishinoya x tall poc reader

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Requested by SinAmonStick

Seven years ago you and your family moved to Japan, you were scared to move to an unknown place and be in a new school, but when you met him all those fears faded away. Nishinoya Yu, you've been best friends with him since both of you were ten years old, you're now seventeen and attending the Karasuno school together.

"Y/n! Nishinoya is here to walk you to school!" You're mom shouted at you as you finished putting your school uniform on, you ran downstairs and met Noya at the door "Bye mom!" You waved to your mother as you shut the door and headed for school with Noya by your side. "Did you have to wear the small heels today?" Noya asked "I didn't want to, but my flats got dirty remember? You pulled me through a mud puddle." You answered in an annoyed voice "I'm already tall enough you think I wanted to wear these and be taller and probably get made fun of cause of my height?" "I get made fun of my height all the time, it's not so bad" Noya replied "no one will make fun of you, I'm sure of it!" Noya exclaimed. Noya always tried to reassure you with small comments like that and it always made you feel better. There's something about him that just makes you feel safe, and that's why you fell for him, he may be shorter than you but height doesn't matter to you, all that matters is his bright personality.

School was just about over and you were ready to go home, all throughout the day you had heard small comments from people making fun of your height, you didn't say anything or even act like you heard. Before heading home you decided to stop by the gym and see Noya, seeing him always made you feel better. You opened the gym doors to see all the boys practicing new moves. The boys attention shifted from volleyball to you as you slid the doors shut, you waved at all of them and walked over to Kiyoko to wait for them to be finished. You had met all the third and second years before, but because this was your first time coming to practice this year, you've never met any of the first years. "Hi Kiyoko!" You greeted "hi y/n, waiting for Noya?" "Yep! Does practice end soon?" "practice just started but they should be taking a break at some point" "Okay, I can just wait then" Just then you saw a small blonde haired girl with a side ponytail walking your way "ah, Yachi, this is y/n, y/n, Yachi" Kiyoko introduced you "U-uh h-hi it's um..nice to m-meet you!" Yachi said intimidated by your height as she bowed to you "It's nice to meet you as well" you slightly bowed.

Once it was time for a break you saw a small orange haired boy running towards you "Hi! My name is Shoyo Hinata! Wow you're so tall! I've never seen a girl as tall as you! You look as tall as Kageyama!" Hinata said amazed at your height "How tall are you?!" Hinata asked "oh um, I'm about 180cm.." "Wow! You should try out for the girls volleyball team!" "Hinata shut up! I'm Tobio Kageyama." Kageyama said as he walked away pulling the orange headed boy with him "I don't think I've ever seen a girl that's 180cm in this school before, that's a bit too tall for a girl if you ask me" you heard a tall blonde boy with glasses say "You're taller than me, how do you have a say in anything?" You questioned "but I'm a boy, you're a girl, girls are supposed to be around Kiyoko's height. So really you are too tall" the blonde brat said in a snarky tone "She seems like she's as tall as a giraffe to me!" Noya chimed in, and at that you burst into tears. "NOYA YOU IDIOT!" Everyone stopped talking and turned to look at you two "I CAME HERE BECAUSE PEOPLE HAD BEEN MAKING RUDE COMMENTS ABOUT ME ALL DAY AND I THOUGHT YOU WOULD HELP AND MAKE ME FEEL BETTER BUT INSTEAD YOU CALL ME A GIRAFFE?!" "y/n I-" "Don't talk to me Noya...I always thought of you as a safe place, and you know I'm sensitive about my height, so why would you say something like that? You're supposed to help defend me, not make fun of me" Noya stared at you as you spoke, he looked hurt but you didn't care, he shouldn't be the hurt one. "Don't come by my house after practice, I don't wanna see you" and at that you ran out of the gym door and all the way home.

It had been a few days since you talked to Noya, you had seen each other around school but didn't say a word to the other. On your way home that day you heard Noya yelling your name behind you but you ignored him and continued walking. "Y/n!!!!" Noya caught up to you and began to walk next to you "what do you want." You said bluntly "to apologize.." "it's a bit late for that, why don't you go hang out with that blonde jerk and talk about me behind my back" "y/n I didn't mean to offend you, I was just joking" "why would you joke about something you know I'm sensitive about? You know how much I hate it when people say something about how tall I am so why did you even say it?" Noya hung his head low looking ashamed of himself "I don't know, I thought it would make me seem cool somehow" "well it didn't, it made you seem like a jerk" "I'm really sorry y/n, I shouldn't have said that, I should've defended you like a real friend would. I really am sorry." "and to think I actually ever had a crush on you" you laughed at yourself "wait, you had a crush on me?" "Yeah, I thought it was kinda obvious, I guess I did a better job at hiding it than I thought" you both walked in silence for a few minutes before Noya decided to speak up "I like you too, I have for a while, I never realized it until recently" "you're too late now" "I said I'm sorry okay! I didn't mean to say anything, I shouldn't have said anything! I should have kept my stupid mouth shut! And maybe I didn't say it cause I wanted to seem "cool" maybe I said it cause I liked you but didn't know how to show it so instead of being a gentleman I made fun of you because I'm an idiot! I regretted saying it right after the words came out of my mouth and I continue to regret it and will for the rest of my life! I'll regret the day I ruined things with the girl I may have actually had a chance with! Cause that's all I ever do, I just mess everything up, so I'm really really sorry, and I mean it, but if you still don't wanna talk to me and you wanna cut off all communication then fine, I will, but I'll always be thinking about you, for the rest of my life" Noya began to walk a little faster in front of you but before he could get any further you grabbed his wrist "apology accepted"

(A/n) I don't know if this is exactly what you were looking for but I did my best! I hope you liked it!! (Sorry if it sucked)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2020 ⏰

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