Practice (Tobio Kageyama)

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"Tobio! I'm here!" You called to your boyfriend when you arrived at his house, no response. "Tobio?" You peaked through the door to his bedroom, no one was there. You heard a thumping noise come from outside, you looked out the window and there he was, the tall dark haired boy, bouncing his volleyball on the side of the house.

You thought he would be sleeping by the time you got to his house seeing it was midnight. You got to his house so late because of your volleyball club, the girls volleyball team, you all stayed late to practice since you had an upcoming tournament in a few days. You were the spiker on the team but kindly on the shorter side.

You ran out to the backyard to see Kageyama "Tobio!" You called out to him causing him to turn his head in your direction "oh, hi (Y/n)" he softly greeted you looking upset and tired, when you walked over to him he engulfed you into a light sweet hug "You look tired Kageyama, why aren't you in bed? Don't you have a tournament tomorrow?" You questioned "Yeah but I didn't get enough practice in, I don't feel like I've progressed much since last time and feel I need to practice some more, which is why I asked for you to come over tonight. I've set up the water bottles where I want my sets to land I just need you to toss me the ball some" you nodded your head "Okay but not for too long, you need to get some rest before the tournament so you aren't tired" Kageyama agreed.

Kageyama tossed the ball to you and stood in place waiting for you to throw the ball to him. You tossed the ball his way, the ball landing perfectly in his hands as he tossed it to knock down one of the bottles, he missed, the ball just slightly being too high. Kageyama went to fetch the ball and handed it back to you "Again, just like the first time, it was perfect" Again, you threw the ball to him, when the ball came in contact with his hands he threw it up but this time he threw it slightly lighter so it wouldn't go over, another miss, this time the ball being too far to the side. You ran to grab the ball and while you were walking back over to where Kageyama was standing you could tell he was getting annoyed with himself already "Kageyama, don't be so upset with yourself, you've only set it twice, you aren't gonna get it on the first try, it takes time to get things right" you told him as you rested your hand on his shoulder "This is all I've been practicing, I've probably set about a thousand balls and I still haven't knocked over one bottle" Kageyama confessed with his head hanging and looking as if he was ashamed of himself "Well some things that seem like they should be easy are actually the hardest things to accomplish, if you really want to learn and get better you won't give up or be ashamed of yourself, you'll keep trying and practicing until you make it perfect, just how you want it to be" you tried to encourage him. Kageyama lifted his head and looked you in the eyes "I never said I was giving up. I want to make my sets perfect, I want to be better, I just never thought it would take this long to get down. Toss me another"

You tossed the ball to Kageyama again and again, every time he set it towards the bottle it missed. You looked at the time on your phone, 1:34am is what it read "Tobio we've been doing this for an hour and a half, I'm tired and I have an early practice tomorrow, and you have that tournament you need to get some rest" you complained "Toss me one more, if I hit the bottle we can go to bed but if I miss again you have to toss me the ball 10 more times" "Ugh, fine" you tossed Kageyama the ball one more time, the ball landing perfectly in his palms like the first time you threw it to him, he set the ball with the perfect height and strength, the ball flew through the air and landed right on the water bottle causing it to fall over "YES!" You both cheered together as Kageyama jumped and gave you a big hug "We can finally go to sleep!" You shouted as you walked into the house with Kageyama following close behind "You better sleep good cause we're waking up early before you have to go to practice and before I leave for my tournament cause I have to hit the bottle more than once" "hmmm" you groaned at your boyfriend as you changed your clothes and slid in bed next to him cuddling your face into his chest as he held you close to him "Goodnight, love, thank you for helping me practice" "You're welcome baby, goodnight"

(A/N) this was kinda short and I'm not the best at describing volleyball especially since I really don't know how to actually play but I tried my best! I hope you enjoyed reading my little Kageyama fanfic! Also Kageyama calling you love! So cute I had to!
If anyone has any requests feel free to comment and let me know who you want and what you want it to be about! (No I'm not really expecting anyone to request anything but you can if you would like to!)

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