Wish I were Kiyoko (Yu Nishinoya)

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(A/n) This story is based off the song Heather by Conan Gray!

December 3rd. Your favorite day of the year by far. It was a cold winter day but Noya invited you to go ice skating. When you arrived at the ice rink you quickly realized that it was much colder than you had anticipated it to be. "Hey Noya!" You had greeted him as you walked to meet him at the benches "Hey (Y/n)! I'm glad you could make it!" You shivered and replied "Yeah, thanks for inviting me" you smiled at him "huh, are you cold? Do you wanna wear my sweater? I've got a long sleeve shirt under this so I'll be okay" "Oh um, i-it's okay you don't have to" "Here, take it, you need it more than I do" he said as he took off his sweater and handed it to you, you put the sweater on and immediately felt warmer "Thanks Noya" "No problem! It looks better on you than me anyway" he shot a big grin your way as you slightly blushed, you'd never tell him but, you loved him and that goofy grin of his.

"I still remember, third of December, me in your sweater, you said it looked better, on me, than it did you, only if you knew, how much I liked you"

After skating with Noya he invited you to walk home with him, you happily accepted his invite. You reached Noya's house just in time for sunset "Follow me, I can show you where the best spot is for watching the sunset" Noya said as he extended his hand to you, you held his hand as he led you to his bedroom. Noya let go of your hand and climbed out the window and on to the top of the house "Come on, I'll make sure you don't fall" he reassured you as you grabbed hold of his hand again and lifted yourself to the top off the roof "I come up here a lot at sunset to just watch it and think" you and Noya sat down at the peak of the house, all you could do was stare at him, it was like he was glowing as the light hit him perfectly giving his skin a beautiful caramel color "Are you just gonna stare at me? I know I'm handsome but sometimes staring is considered rude" Noya blurted not even looking at you "Oh! I-I'm sorry Noya..I just- my bad" you say as you turn your head and watch as the sun slowly sinks lower and lower. Noya turns to you "Ya know, the sun gives you a really pretty glow, I guess I've never noticed it before, but it's there" You turn to him as you feel your cheeks heat up, you both stare at each other before Noya slowly leans in and gives your lips a soft gentle kiss, wow, you felt as if fireworks were going off, your stomach had a million butterflies in it, that was the most amazing feeling in the world.

The next day after school you went to the gym to watch Noya and the rest of the boys practice like you always did. When you walked into the gym the boys had already started practice, Kiyoko and Yachi watching from the side, you greeted the girls before joining them and observing the practice match. The match was over and Noya skipped over to you "Hey Noya, you did great out there! You overhand receives are looking better everyday!" You encouraged him "Thanks! I've been trying harder than ever to-" he stopped mid sentence, you looked at where he was staring, he was watching Kiyoko as she grabbed a few water bottles for the other boys "Isn't she beautiful?" He asked not taking his eyes off her "um..yeah" you answered sadly looking at the ground, when you looked up at him you saw a sparkle in his eyes you had never seen before, his eyes shine so bright when he looks at her, he stared at her like she was the only girl he had ever laid his eyes on. You held back your tears, your throat starting to feel sore as you tried your best to not let a tear slip.

"But I watch your eyes, as she walks by, what a sight for sore eyes, brighter than a blue sky, she's got you mesmerized, while I die"

It was the end of practice. Snow had began to fall and coat the ground. Kiyoko stood at the door, you heard her say that she was going to wait for the snow to stop before she left so it wasn't as cold when she left, just then you heard Noya say something to her "Here Kiyoko, take my sweater! It'll keep you warm on your way home" "oh? Thank you Nishinoya but what about you?" "Ah, don't worry about it I have a long sleeve shirt and a jacket I'll be okay, and plus I don't live too far from here" "okay, I'll bring it back tomorrow for you" "That's okay, keep it, I have plenty others" you watched their interaction, that's the same sweater he let me wear, you thought to yourself. I understand, she's prettier, she's smarter, she's so much better than me, in every way possible, it's no wonder he likes her more, you held your tears back once again. You said goodbye to everyone and ran out the door letting your tears fall as you walked home.

"Why would you ever kiss me? I'm not even half, as pretty, you gave her your sweater, it's just polyester, but you like her better, I wish I were heather"

Next day, your back at the gym, you almost didn't come cause you knew Kiyoko would be there but you wanted to see Noya, even if he doesn't give you any attention, you just wanted to see him. You had been talking to Kageyama and Hinata about their quick attack when you turned around and saw Noya holding Kiyoko's hand as they talked to Daichi and Suga, you didn't know how they ended up like that but you didn't like it. You watched as Noya rested his arm around her shoulder, he struggled a bit when doing so cause of his height but he managed. Kiyoko ignored him and continued talking to Suga but it annoyed you that she just let him do so, your body shivered with jealousy.

"Watch as she stand with her holding your hand, put your arm round her shoulder, now I'm getting colder"

You wanted to hate Kiyoko with every bone in your body, but you couldn't, she had never been anything but nice to you so why should you hate her? It's not her fault that Noya likes her better than you. Even though you don't hate Kiyoko, as horrible as it sounds, there is a small part of you that wishes she was dead so that Noya would like you more.

"But how could I hate her? She's such and angel, but then again, kinda wish she were dead"

Practice was over and you asked Noya to walk home with you, he agreed as he said his goodbyes to everyone and walked out of the gym with you. "Noya, there's actually something I wanted to ask you.." you started, when you saw you had his attention you continued "Why would you ever kiss me? I'm not even half as pretty, you gave her your sweater...and..it's just polyester but you like her better...so why, why did you kiss me?" Noya was silent for a moment as he walked with his head hung "I just know Kiyoko will never like me the way I like her so I thought I'd try to move on but, I just can't get her out of my head...I'm sorry" the rest of the walk home was mostly quiet with some small talk between the silence. You walked up to your door when you arrived at your house "bye Noya" you said in a sad tone "yeah...bye" Noya replied as he waved and slowly walked away as you went into your home.
I wish I were Kiyoko.

(A/n) AHHH this makes me so sad but I'm pretty proud of it! Let me know if there are any songs you want me to write a story about like this one!

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