Sunshine (Shoyo Hinata)

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Beep beep beep
Your alarm clock rang as you turned over and tiredly slapped the snooze button. You rose from bed and walked to your closet to grab your school uniform and put it on. You walked downstairs to the kitchen to see a note left by your mom that read

'I had to leave early for a meeting but your lunch for school is in the fridge, have a good day honey, I love you'

You made your way to the fridge but when you opened it your lunch wasn't there, just then your brother walked in "Hey did you see my lunch mom packed me anywhere?" You asked him "Oh yeah, I did but I got hungry and there wasn't anything else so I ate it, it was really good" "What?! Mom made that for me to take to school today!" "Take something else" he shrugged "There is nothing else!" You argued "Not my problem" he said as he walked off back to his bedroom. He always got on your nerves, ever since you two were little it was constant arguing, he did anything he could to get at you and you knew it was all just a game to him. 'I guess I won't be eating lunch today' you thought to yourself. As you grabbed an apple and your backpack you headed out the door.

Hm, that's weird, no ones outside you looked at your phone and saw the time, 9:03, "I'M AN HOUR LATE FOR SCHOOL?!" You ran in the doors and made your way to your class as fast as you could. When you busted through the class doors everyone stopped and turned to you "Ah, there you are Ms.(L/N), your late" the teacher said as she scribbled something down on her paper "Sorry Ms" you apologized, you sat down at you seat and starting thinking 'How was I late to school? I woke up at 7 and school starts at 8, there's no way it took me two hours to get ready and be here' just then you figured out what had happened "THAT JERK!" You screamed and stood up at your desk, again, everyones attention was on you "Ms.(L/N)! Do not interrupt me when I'm teaching! And do not use that kind of rude language!" You teacher scolded you. You shrank back down into your chair with a flustered face 'He set my alarm clock behind an hour! What a jerk! Does he think this is funny?! When I get home I'm gonna-' your thoughts got cut off when the bell rang.


You were starving but you didn't have anything to eat 'this day can't possibly get worse' you thought, just then you turned a corner and ran right into a snobby third year girl who spilt her drink all over your clothes "Oh my gosh! I'm so sor-" you started to apologize "Watch where your going, first year!" She said angrily as she stomped away, at this point your blood was boiling, this had been the worst day of your life and you couldn't take anymore of it! You stomped your way into your boyfriend Hinata's classroom for lunch with him, when you sat down he could tell you were angry "Hey, are you okay? You look kinda pissed" Hinata asked "I am pissed! I'm so freaking mad! Today has been the worst day ever!" You say as you face plant into the desk, Hinata ruffles your hair "Tell me what happened" You looked up at him and began telling him about your horrible day as he genuinely listened to the whole thing. "Wow, that does sound like a bad day, that's also explains why you're uniform is so dirty" "Yeah thanks for making me feel better" You pouted "Well just don't stress about it too much, I know they have some extra uniforms if you ask for them, and you can also have half of my lunch, I don't mind sharing with you" Hinata smiles at you and you felt your body relax as you smiled back at him, how does he do that? One second you feel like punching something until your fists bleed and now your happy? And smiling? "Hinata, you really have no idea how much you mean to me" you confessed, at this Hinata blushed "Thanks, you really mean a lot to me too, more than you could ever know!" Hinata exclaimed "Now let's eat and then go get you a new uniform to wear"

After eating Hinata walked you to the office to get you a new uniform.
"Excuse me, but um could she get a new uniform if you have any? Someone split their drink on her current one see" Hinata asked as he pointed to your outfit "Of course I'll go grab one for her" the lady smiled as she walked away and returned with a new one "Here you go Ms, if you'd like you can change in that bathroom over there" she pointed at the 'teachers only' bathroom "okay thanks" you said quietly as you walked into the bathroom to change. When you came out Hinata was still there waiting for you even though the bell for class rang "Hinata why are you still here? The bell rang" you questioned him "I had to wait so I could walk you to class" he gave you a big grin as he took your hand and pulled you out of the office to walk you to you next class "I'm really sorry you had such a bad day but hopefully everything I did for you made it better" Hinata said as he swung your hands back and forth together "You did make my day better, you always make my day better, you're like that light of sunshine on a stormy day, ya know?" "Don't make me get flustered!" Hinata said as he turned his head from you "Well it's true! You're my sunshine" you saw a small hint of pink on his cheeks and smiled big at him "I love you Hinata, thank you for always making my day better when I need you to" you hugged him as he hugged you back "I love you too and it's the least I could do, you are my girlfriend, that means I need to protect you and be sure your happy all the time! Now don't be an hour late for class again" he said as you walked into your classroom "I'll see you at volleyball practice" he shouted to you as he ran off to his class. Hinata really is your sunshine.

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