Be happy again (Ryunosuke Tanaka)

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You just arrived home after a long day of school, the house was empty, your mom was almost never home due to her job so you were used to being alone at home. You walked to your bedroom and threw your bag on your bed. You always felt lonely when you were home alone, but this time it felt different, usually when you felt lonely at home you'd text your friends and feel better but this time you just didn't feel like talking to them, like even if you did, it wouldn't help now. You walked to the kitchen to grab a small snack, you hadn't ate all day. Sometimes people would make comments that you were getting bigger so you've pretty much been starving yourself and only ever ate something small, like an apple. You took the last apple there was in the fruit basket and went into the living room sitting down on the couch as you turned the TV on with a low volume. Lately you've felt more sad than usual, you've always felt a little upset when you got home but that's only cause there wasn't anyone there. As you ate your apple you pulled up your shirts sleeve and looked at your arm, cuts, you never thought you'd do it or even think about it, but you did, last night to be exact. Last night you didn't even know what had came over you, you had grabbed a blade and went to your bathroom and before you knew it you were crying on the floor by yourself with bleeding cuts on your upper arm. You had been thinking about why you did it, what came over you?

'Knock knock knock'

Your thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. You pulled your sleeve down and got up to open the door. It was him, the guy who could always make you smile, the guy who always makes it his first priority to protect you, the guy that loved you with all his heart. Ryuunosuke Tanaka, your boyfriend. "Hey babe! I brought you some meat buns!" Tanaka said as he walked into the house "oh, thanks but I'm not all that hungry" you responded as Tanaka set the bag of meat buns on the kitchen counter "Oh come on! You love meat buns, you always said that no matter how full you were there was always space for meat buns" "I just don't really want any right now, sorry" you answered as you walked back to the living room and sat on the couch once again, Tanaka followed, he noticed how you were acting, it was weird, you were always so cheerful and happy around him, what happened? "Hey, are you okay?" Tanaka asked in a very caring and concerned voice, at that all your emotions that you had bundled up inside you came pouring out "no! I'm not okay! I'm scared, Tanaka, I don't know what to do" you hugged Tanaka as you cried into his chest, he stroked your hair and rubbed your back "What are you scared of?" "myself. I'm scared of getting so sad and upset that I do something to harm myself that can't be undone" you cried even more as Tanaka stood still, shocked, he never knew you felt this way and felt stupid for not realizing it on his own. "I haven't been eating anything but an apple everyday, and last night I did something that I never thought I'd ever do" you backed up some and pulled up your sleeve to show the scabs that had formed on your skin "I don't want to do this to myself, I don't want to turn into a monster" Tanaka had wide eyes, he pulled you back to him and hugged you tighter than ever as a few tear slipped from his eyes "You're not a monster, you'll never be a monster. I'm so sorry I couldn't realize how you felt sooner. If I had seen it then you wouldn't have done that to yourself, I'm so sorry" Tanaka cried "will you help me? Help me escape myself" "Of course I'll help you, I don't want you being so sad like this, I want you to be happy, so yes, I'll help. I know it won't be easy, and it'll probably take a lot of time, but I will take all the time in the world to help you be happy again, to help you be you again" Tanaka answered as you both held each other tightly in each other's arms, still crying "I'm so lucky to have someone like you, I love you Tanaka. Thank you" "I love you too, I'm so sorry I couldn't have helped you sooner"

(A/n) Sorry this was so freaking DEPRESSING but I'm a weirdo and like making myself cry sometimes, I hope this was written badly, I'm kinda tired right now so it might actually be horrible but oh well, I tried

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