Ch 4:Part-1 What Happened Four Years Ago?

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While Wei and Cheng were sitting in car they kept silent and pictures of past were visible to them.

Tears were welled up in both of their eyes. As they wiped them off trying to hide their emotions from each other but both of them failed and looked at each while giggling and an air of sadness followed by silence filled the car.

Four years ago everything was alright. Yezu and Cheng were love birds from their college. They used to love each other to the core and were inseparable.

Yezu's family knew about their relationship and they were happy with it. Cheng used to visit their house regularly and developed a good bond with Wei and his parents. Slowly he became a part of their family.

As the days passed by they decided to marry both of them and in order to do so they asked Cheng to inform his family about their relationship.

Cheng was a bit nervous and one day this has to happen so he agreed to inform his father.

Before this they also came to know that Yezu is carrying a baby since three months. Though this was a happy news for all of them especially Cheng who was very happy with the news but Mr Shen was worried as they haven't been wed yet but still he kept silent for Yezu's happiness.

After five months since the news Cheng was waiting for his father to return back to the nation after his foreign tour. He respected his father a lot and was an obedient son as well but he was a bit nervous.

When Mr Zhao returned to the mansion, without wasting much time Cheng decided to meet him. When Cheng told him about his relationship, Mr Zhao kept silent for a while and then he happily accepted Cheng's relationship with Yezu and agreed to meet Yezu's parents and fix their marriage date. After hearing this Cheng was very happy and hugged his father and thanked him. Then he left to meet Yezu.

It was the eighth month of Yezu's pregnancy. When Cheng told them the news, they were very happy and started planning for their marriage. Everything was beautiful in their life. Over the whole period of Yezu's pregnancy, Cheng took care of her as a princess.

While Cheng thought everything was perfect, he didn't know that his father was actually an evil.

One day in her final month of pregnancy, when Yezu went to hospital for her check up along with Mr Shen, some people came and attacked them and forcefully took Yezu with them. Mr Shen was taken to the hospital by the people present there.

Meanwhile, in the office Mr Zhao asked Cheng to marry Zhu Hong, daughter of a rich business man in order to maintain his image. Cheng became angry and denied it. Then Mr Zhao showed his true colors and blackmailed Cheng that if he won't agree to what he said, he would kill Yezu along with the baby.

Reluctantly Cheng agreed to marry Zhu Hong to save Yezu and the baby and asked his father to take proper care of Yezu.

Yezu's condition was not good since two days of her kidnapping but she was taken proper care.

In this time Cheng got married to Hong and then he asked his father to release Yezu.

Yezu's health was very critical and she was taken to the hospital by Cheng. He also called Yezu's family to the hospital.

It was the time of Yezu's delivery and she was taken to the OT while Cheng waited outside. Then Mr and Mrs Shen arrived at the hospital along with Shen Wei. They all were afraid as the haven't met Yezu from three days and now she was in hospital. Before Cheng could say something a tight slap landed on his cheek. Mr Shen was aware of all the things and now just wanted Cheng to stay away from them. He told him to leave them immediately and Cheng having no choice decided to hide himself and wait outside the hospital. He felt as if his soul has already left his body.

As the lights of OT went off, doctor came out of the room with the good news that a baby boy is born. Again a wave of happiness surrounded them and they went in to find a little baby. All their problems faded away as they held the lovely baby in their embrace. Yezu was unconscious after giving birth, not knowing what all happened with Cheng.

To be continued...

Hey readers! I hope you like my story. I'm extremely sorry if you found this chapter a bit boring because I actually got tired writing this so I decided to break it into two parts. Initially I was not going to write this but then to avoid any further confusions I wrote it. I hope my hard work is not wasted.

Thank you each and everyone for reading this story!

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