Ch 25: The Inner Storm

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Yunlan also jumped up in fright as he witnessed the scene in front of him and quickly went towards Liang and held his hand. Yunlan was shaking in terror as he felt that the pulse of the little boy is getting slow as the further thoughts brought him out in cold sweat.

Yunlan was trying to hold up Liang but Wei swatted his hand, "What did you do to my baby? What is happening to him? I told you not to harm him. What did you do?" Wei was crying heavily embracing the little body.

"I didn't do anything. Please it is very important to save him now. We can talk other things later. We need to go to the hospital. Please let me take him.", Yunlan was very nervous. He felt like within moments an earthquake came in his life trying to destroy him completely. His eyes were already red with tears welled up in them.

Wei didn't let Yunlan take Liang but he himself got up, "Please take me to the hospital. Save him." Wei sounded defeated like he is literally begging in front of Yunlan to save his baby.

Understanding the importance of time, Yunlan ran downstairs followed by Wei holding Liang. Mrs Zhao and Hong got shocked seeing them like that. "What happened?", asked Mrs Zhao but got no response in return.

Yunlan grabbed his phone and car's key and ran outside towards the car along with Wei. Yunlan quickly started the car as Wei sat at the back seat of the car and Mrs Zhao also firmly joined them.

Yunlan drove the car rashly just focusing on reaching the hospital as soon as possible.

In the hospital, Liang was taken to the emergency ward and Wei was not willing to leave him but somehow Mrs Zhao managed to stop him. 

Mrs Zhao was trying to calm down Wei as suddenly he fainted. "Wei!", shouted Mrs Zhao. Wei was also taken in as even his breathing was going down.

"Everything was fine Yunlan then suddenly what happened?", asked Mrs Zhao crying resting her head on Yunlan's shoulder. They were sitting outside the operation room on a bench witnessing doctors and nurses running there doing their job.

Yunlan himself was in dismay and was unable to speak anything. So much happened to him in a short moment of time that made his brain numb. Most important of all these was the fact that his father lied to him, he was still not able to digest the fact that his father himself destroyed his own son's life, his Ge's life. 

There was an inner turmoil going inside him as if a storm was brewing and getting stronger in his mind which brought shivers to him.


Yunlan enthusiastically went to the store room to get a rope. When he was not able to see it anywhere, he started shifting things and checking the boxes kept there.

While he was checking the boxes there quickly, he got a box with things so precious, that he forgot about all the other things and sat down there examining the things in the box.

The box had the memories, the memories of his beloved brother. There was an album having photos of their childhood, Yunlan had a smile while turning it's pages as tears were continuously falling down from his eyes. There were toys from which they played together. There were many other stuffs which Yunlan didn't know about.

Also there were some personal diaries, seeing which Yunlan remembered that his Ge used to write some memories regularly in his diary. As Yunlan was checking all the diaries, he finally got the one that he was searching for, he wanted to see what happened to his Ge at the time when he was not there in the house.

As Yunlan was quickly reading the pages, the first thing that he came to know was that Cheng fell in love with Yezu in his college days and Wei was her little brother. 

As Yunlan was further going through the account, he was shaking while holding the diary as tears were blurring his vision. He read everything how his father kidnapped Yezu till how Cheng was forcefully married to Hong. He was not able to believe that it was his father who was the real devil. He could now understand what his brother would have went through to turn into a lifeless soul.

The last entry in the diary was of five years ago of the next date as the present. 'Yesterday was the day when my baby is born into this world... I was so happy to hold him. He was so delicate that I was very nervous that I may hurt him. Yezu chose a name for him, he is Liang..... This world is really cruel but I have promised Yezu to always protect my baby...... I can't live in this hell. So, I have decided to leave this house and go far away with my Yezu and my baby where we can have our own small and happy family. They are my everything......'

As Yunlan ended reading the diary, he was not able to control the hurricane of thoughts and emotions going on in his mind. He even wondered where is Yezu and what actually happened afterwards. He was filled with regrets to do so wrong with Wei and now he wanted to believe him very much.

The harsh reality that hitted him just now was a contradiction to the picture that his father created in his mind. He even regretted having such a cruel father, whom he admired so greatly.

With lots of questions, regrets, sorrow, Yunlan was numb in his position. He was in a mess, a mess that he extended himself. He felt like a real culprit to hurt an innocent being and cause so much damage.

Flashback Ends.

Yunlan was sitting there praying with all his strength to the God to save Liang and Wei otherwise, he would never be able to forgive himself for the crimes he committed. He wanted to recover all the damages he caused, he wanted to teach his father a good lesson, he wanted to find all the culprits involved, he wanted to give all the happiness to Wei and Liang that they deserved, he wanted Wei and Liang to be awake again so, that he cherish them and protect them with his life.

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