A Long Way From Home (2)

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TJ pressed the doorbell and it rung twice for a minute or so, before a boy ran to the door to answer it.

"Yeah?" The boy who came to the door, who must have been Darren asked them, as Sierra stands calmly and collected in front of the door.

"Oh, Darren, erm, hi, erm." TJ was beginning to realize that he had not thought this out, at all, really.

"It's him." Jana murmured and Sierra's head bowed slightly in a nod of agreement, having reverted back to the quiet Tracker ways of her youth.

Suddenly, Sierra's head, it swung around at once, as Emilia charged at the door and Sierra's eyes glowed, as she stared directly at Emilia.

"Emilia!" Matei called out after his little sister, as Emilia began to growl at Darren, the boy who looked totally terrified now.

"Stay calm. We don't know anything else yet." She growls sharply at her, as Matei grabbed her shoulders gently as he held her back a bit.

"She's off her head. Get out, I haven't done nothing!" Darren cried out as he was clearly terrified.

"Then why were you outside our house? The night of the fire?" Matei asked, infinitely more calm then his little sister, who was still being held in his arms.

"Darren?" A woman called out from inside the house and Sierra jerked her head at TJ, Matei and Emilia and she followed them out, leaving Jana to do the talking.

They all were waiting outside and they were listenin' rather intently to the conversation from out there and then Darren went out.

"You heard him. He was there." Matei growled sharply and Sierra nodded at his words.

"You're right, he was. But it's a full moon, we can't just go running off in the city now. We will never, never get back in time for moonrise." Sierra let out a low growl at Jana's words.

"It doesn't matter. We need to go after him now. It doesn't matter if they are.. meeting after dark, we can make it out and onto the moors if we are all fast enough." Jana looked at Sierra as she talked and Sierra nodded slightly.

"Look. If there is even ever a slight chance that he knows anything about the secret, then we have to go after him. No matter what chance it is, of us not making it back before dark."

Sierra said and they all looked at her and she nods. "Anyone here, disagree with the plan?" She asks, and TJ looks around and raised his hand up. "For a record it was anyone but you, TJ. Let's go." Sierra says and they all ran off.

They crouched on the ground, or at least Sierra did, as she looked around them.

Two guys, the two who must have been on the phone with Darren when they heard him on the phone before, they walked up to their position close to the wolfbloods.

"So, what's the problem, Darren?" The taller of the two asked as Sierra closed her eyes briefly.

"I told you, they came to my house. It was a couple of girls, with them, they, they both said, that I had been seen."

Darren was saying, as he looked at them, panic erodin' all of their other emotions that Sierra could've scented from him or the others.

"And what did you say?" The other guy asked, sounding much more like a threat than the other one did.

"Nothing, I swear." Darren whimpered a bit at them all, as Sierra plugged her nose briefly at the scents.

"If you said anything about any of us being there too..." The calmer one was threatening now, and Sierra grunted a bit under her breath.

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