Chapter 1

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I don't think anyone will read this but here we go! Also just as a warning, I'm not sure how good this will be, I have terrible self-esteem so I'll probably think it's bad. But please don't let that discourage you from reading it if you want to. Have a good day/night/whenever the heck your reading this, cuz I won't mind if it's like 4am for you.

Anyway, enjoy!

(Also, the picture above is... it's just there, so yeah....)



Y/n's POV

Wispy grey steam curled around the scarlet red train that was waiting, stationed at platform 9 ¾. Students walked around in all directions, saying their last goodbyes to family members, greeting old friends, and lifting their luggage onto the train that was about to leave. And as for me, I had just finished giving my mum what seemed to be the 20th goodbye hug, before promising I'd write, and waving farewell.

I always made sure to give my mum lots of hugs before leavening, it just makes things easier for her. She has had to raise me by herself, my dad left her while she was pregnant. He didn't take finding out that my mum was a witch too well. But we do pretty well on our own, just me, my mum, and our dog Sir Billius.

I got onto the train and started looking for either an empty compartment or one with some of my friends in it. As I looked, my mind drifted back to the incident I had in the summer.

The wind rustled the leaves on thousands of tall trees in a small forest that wasn't too far from my house. Even though I was pretty sure there had been something in the paper that morning, about how no one should go into the forest this week after dark, I went anyway. I couldn't quite remember what the article had said, and I wasn't even sure if I had read the right paper. But as I walked down the narrow and winding dirt path, I started to wonder if I maybe shouldn't have taken James' and Sirius' advice about living on the edge a little more.

A twig snapped and I jumped about a half a meter into the air, before realizing that it was me who had broken the twig. I laughed nervously to myself and decided that I should probably head back, it was getting really cold. Luckily the light from the full moon above, lit the path up enough for me to see were I was going.

A few times, I could have sworn I heard something walking around behind me. But I kept walking, just wanting to get home and put on a nice fluffy house coat. Then, finally, I could see the end of the long dirt path, two large fir trees marking it. I started to run down the last part of the path, just wanting to be able to get back home. But, klutzy me tripped over a rock and fell to the ground. As I started to stand up, a soft growling noise lingered through the air behind me. I slowly turned my head and saw two vibrant yellow eyes peering out of the shadows.

My heart started pounding so hard I thought it was going to burst out of my chest. As I scrambled to my feet, the creature moved out of the shadows and closer towards me. I froze, I was lucky not to have ever come across one, but I was pretty sure the beast I was looking at, was a werewolf. I started to shake with fear. All of my knowledge from class about werewolves had suddenly vanished.

So, out of panic, I started to run, but it was a really stupid mistake. The werewolf came up behind me and pounced onto my back, nocking me to the ground. My heart was beating stupidly fast as I tried to get away, that's when I felt something sharp sink into my side. I screamed in pain and then-

"Y/n!? Y/n!? Hey are you ok?" Some asked, their hand on my shoulder.

Snapping out of it, I looked up and saw the green eyes of a Lily Evans. She looked extremely worried. I wondered what had happened, I was looking for a compartment, but then-

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