Chapter 6

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

As I sat in my cell, I reflected on my life choices, wondering how the actual hell I even got into this mess. Homeworld. I'm going to freaking Homeworld. With absolutely no way to go back home. Goldy was so scared of what would happen... Are we going to die? Be interrogated for information? It would make sense if that happened, we're rebel gems on an authoritarian planet after all...


Maybe Goldy and I can still escape right now and slip out while we land. Find an empty ship somewhere and get the hell out of this place. The ship jolted all of a sudden and stopped moving. I guess that means we finally arrived.

Double crap.

Okay then, no better time to get moving than now-


I jumped. It was that Pearl from earlier. How the heck did I not hear her approaching? I gave her a suspicious glare. Why did that seem to make her sad?

"We have arrived on Homeworld," she explained. "I will escort you and your Pearl to the exit. There, you'll be escorted by Amethysts to your cells and later to the throne room. The Diamonds demand that both of you are present."

As she was talking she disabled the electric field that acted as the bars of the cell.

"Goldy isn't my Pearl," I answered, stepping out of the cell. "She's her own gem."

The Pearl sighed and looked away. "I know...," she whispered, barely making a sound. Then she began to walk away.

As I followed her, I realized that she called me by my name. How did she even know my name? I never told her that! Did Goldy tell her? No, that doesn't make sense. So how did she...? Did Steven tell her? That makes more sense. That seemed like something that wannabe Diamond would do.

We soon began to approach Goldy's cell when Pearl's steps began to falter. Wordlessly, she did the same thing she did for me and disabled the electric field to her cell. This time however, she did not give an explanation. It looked like she couldn't speak at all.

"Pearl...," Goldy said, stepping out of her cell and reaching for the other Pearl.

"Stop," Pearl bit out. 'Don't make this any more difficult than it has to be. Please."

"Why are you doing this?" Goldy implored. "Come back with us. The others miss you. I missed you."

What? The Crystal Gems know her? Was this Pearl a Crystal Gem? Why would she leave? Why did she go back to the diamonds? How is she not even shattered? The diamonds would have shattered rebels without a second thought and yet here she is, serving under them. We began to walk forward, following Pearl to the exit.

"You know I can't, Goldy," Pearl replied, forlornly, "I can't leave him...She wouldn't have wanted that!"

Huh? What? Who's "she"? Did she just say "Goldy"? How does she even know that's her nickname?

"She wouldn't want you to be like this either. She wanted all of us to be happy. Maybe...maybe it's too late for him."

Pearl stopped and turned around, looking offended at what Goldy said.

"I'm not giving up on him," she said, a determined look on her face. "She wouldn't have given up on him. She gave a pointed look to Goldy, "Both of them wouldn't. She then turned around and walked even faster, leaving no more room for conversation.

After a few minutes, we finally reached the exit, where a line of Amethysts were waiting.

"My diamond would like you to take these prisoners to their cells. Separately," Pearl said, no emotion in her tone. Once the Amethysts nodded, she started to walk in a different direction.

As the guards began to take us to our new cells, I took one last glance at the strange Pearl, before finally looking forward, towards the direction of the palace.

Here goes nothing...

Stevens P.O.V.:

I entered the throne room. The diamonds were all sitting on their thrones, bored looks on their faces. Despite this, the thrones made them look imposing. I remember asking about that once, when I was little. They said something about "intimidation tactics" and how it "enforces their power" or something along those lines. I didn't pay attention much at the time. I preferred to play with Spinel.

"Starlight, there you are!" White greeted me, her usual symmetrical smile on her face. "Now, would you mind telling us why you had us called here? We're quite busy, you know?"

"White, Blue, Yellow, I'd like to ask you all of something." I answered. I hoped my tone showed how serious I was about this. They never really take me seriously. I turned to Pearl. "Pearl, please bring in the prisoners."

"Yes, my Diamond," She replied.

"Steven, are you quite alright," asked Blue. "You seem upset about something."

I am upset. I'm upset that I can't finish my mother's legacy. I'm upset that I let down the Diamonds. I'm upset that some stupid little human stopped me from my goal and I'm upset that said human might just be a hybrid like me, while I grew up being told by the Diamonds, who are always right that I was the only human-gem hybrid in existence. I'm upset about a lot of things.

"I'm fine," I replied with a smile.

"That's good," Yellow said. "You're a Diamond. We need to be strong. We can't afford to be 'upset' over trivial things. Not when we have to maintain the greatest civilization."

"I agree," said White. "There's a reason we're at the top, after all."

"Of course," I answered.

Just then, the doors opened and Pearl came back with the human and their Pearl. The Diamond's seemed confused for a moment before recognition flooded their faces.

"This," I stated, "is what I wanted to speak with you about."

"Gold...?" the three Diamond's breathed out in unison.


"I'm sorry, who?" (Y/N) asked at the same time.

My eyes met their golden ones. There was a question in them, just as I was sure there was a question in mine. Their eyes look like golden sunbeams...Wait, where did that thought come from?

"So you don't have her memories either...," White observed. "I see.." She turned to me." What questions do you have, Steven? We will most certainly try to answer them."

"Thank you, White. First and foremost, who is Gold?"

The Diamonds all had different reactions to that question. Yellow's hands clenched into fists and she pointedly looked away. Blue, like Yellow, looked away but seemed to be fighting back tears.
Finally, White sighed and answered.

"Gold was another Diamond. The Fifth Diamond...," she trailed off, a wistful look in her eyes. Then she frowned. "We never saw it fit to mention her. It did nothing but sadden us to remember. Are there any more questions?"

"Yes," I replied, "This prisoner has similar powers to mine. Their eyes are practically identical to mine, albeit gold rather than pink..." I hesitated before I asked my question. "Are they a hybrid like I am?"

There was a beat of silence after I asked the question. White didn't seem inclined to answer my question despite her earlier assurances, and Blue and Yellow avoided my gaze.
"Yes, they are also a hybrid," White finally explained. "Just as you are the son of Pink Diamond, they are the child of Gold Diamond."

After that revelation I looked toward the human. The hybrid. Just like I am. Their eyes were wide in surprise. It looks like they didn't know either, somehow.

"All this time you told me I was the only human-gem hybrid, but you knew about them," I started, 'so why didn't you tell me? Why did you lie?"

White's eyes formed a glare as I said those last words. Oh no... I didn't mean to say that...

"That is the end of this conversation," she curtly stated. "I have no desire to continue this nonsense."

"What...," whispered (Y/N). They looked horrified.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2020 ⏰

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