CH34: The other titan

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It was a split moment.
I wonder why I didn't notice this before, or vaguely remember it.
It also occurred to me how strange I reacted, I didn't panic that much did I.

Did my parents know about it?
But in that specific situation I saw Marisa there, injured more than she could handle. Something in my senses tingled like a mouse near a mouse trap, waiting to be snapped down by the metal rod, never reaching its food source.
My body moved on its own, I couldn't control it, I knew I had to do something.
I remember my feet slamming down on the roof as I ran towards Mikasa, I remember the only thing that was racing in my head was, I've got to hurry, hurry, hurry, Marisa!
As soon as I reached the destination I immediately did the first thing that came to my mind,

In an instant my blood boiled, my body felt like it was on fire. Something was happening. I was scared, I didn't want to die yet. Was I going to die? My heart raced in my chest as thoughts raced through my mind.
A flash of red came into my vision all of a sudden, at first I thought I died but when my vision cleared I saw myself way above the buildings. Am I flying to the after life?
No I wasn't, I saw two large human feet under me, they were mine. I looked up to see Eren throw a punch at me, in a flash dodged it, just barely.
What in the world was happening?! But there was this feeling in my heart, an urge to fight back. I knew it wasn't right, but the again I know nothing. My instincts took over me and we brawled.
We threw kicks and punches at each other, the fight as intense as none of us had gone down yet.
In a one last futile attempt to defeat each we both took each other out in the face. Eren toppled down onto the Boulder behind him while I staggered away.
I didn't any one to see me before I could pass out and reveal my-self. What would Marisa think? Would she be my friend any more?
What would every one else think, would I be abandoned, again?
I ran clumsily until I was a distance away, I fell onto my knees and passed out for a second. I woke up in the red dome again, muscles attached to my jacket and various places.
I felt sleepy, like I was severely exhausted, but I could be found out. I willed my self to rip out of the muscles and got out from the nape of the my titan self.
I ran, getting out of view before a soldier walked in front of me, unintended.
He panicked as he saw the titan carcass behind me, steaming with hot temperature and eventually evaporating. As he started to run the other way I acted in my instincts and grabbed him.
He can't tell any one. I will have to kill him.
And that's what I did.

Where was Kodia?
I looked around and about but she was no where to be seen. I was very worried, where could she have gone?

We all looked at Eren's titan form leaning on the Boulder, motionless.
Did...did the mission really fail?

If it did...what will we ever do...?

My eyes teared up suddenly.

I saw a white vision again, the same ones I always have occasionally.
A silhouette appeared in front of me, it was Anna. She smiled at me and squeezed me into s bear hug.
We sat down in the same chair we always sat in. She poured some tea for me while carefully examining me at the same time.
"You came to visit me again, did I miss anything?" She asked.
"A lot," I replied back as I sipped some tea, the strangely hot liquid soothing my throat. Anna rested her head on my hands and looked into my eyes.
"Did anything bad happen?" She asked with worry. I set down my cup and tried to think back. The events were blurry but I did remember them.
"Well my arm was bit off, Eren, my friend caused some ruckus and humanity depends on him," I recalled.
"Oh my, are you really okay?" Anna asked.
I looked down at my self, no cuts or bruises. Oh I forgot, this wasn't reality was it, it was an illusion in my mind.
"No, not all." I said my voice breaking a little. Being a titan wasn't all fun and games, I was scared, scared that I turned into those creatures.
"Titan? But how?"
"I'm scared, Anna. I don't know what's happening."
She looked at me for a second and stood up, at first I thought she was going to leave but instead she hugged me.
Her warmth felt so real, it was comforting. But she wasn't really here.
She let go and sat down again.
We continued to talk until a blurry black dot in the background came into view.
"We don't have much time, the conscious of the mind is returning to its optimal state," Anna explained as she stared at the strange shape.
"Don't worry, you'll be alright, like always. You'll come visit me again right?" She asked. I nodded slowly, that's right, it's like she never died, just Anna and I.
I then realised something. It was frightening to realise. That the Anna I have now wasn't really her, my real sister was dead. But this...figure I see, was just a reincarnation of my mind because I couldn't afford to lose her.
My mind whizzed around in a 360 turn. It had only been such a short time, this was only the third time. I didn't want to lose her! Maybe it was better if she stayed in my mind...then it's like she'd never left me at all.
But do I deserve this? After what I did...after what she did for me. I felt severely guilty.
This was mocking me, how dare she be made again.
Are they making fun of me, that I could never be independent? If she was here it meant her sacrifice was meaningless, that Marx didn't get injured for nothing.
I was angry at my self for accepting such a thing.
I don't want to be selfish any more! I am going to face my self.
By this moment, I was very conflicted. Two sides of my self were fighting for the righteousness of my mind.
I kneeled down, held the sides of my head and closed my eyes.
"Marisa? What's wrong??" I heard the voice of my sister say, her hand touched my shoulders and I immediately slapped it away on an instinct. She was taken aback, very confused.
I was still kneeling there, my eyes wide. I'd say I was over exaggeration the situation but I was in a real dilemma right now. My breathes were quick before someone else's hands places them on mine.

The familiar voice rung through my ears. I gathered my self up and exhaled.
"Anna...stop," I stammered. Her expression went to shocked.
"I'm sorry, I can't do this anymore, thankyou..." I said, "You have really been a wonderful sister to me, but it's time I let go,"
"What are you talking about? Is this a joke?

Aren't I real? Aren't I your sister?" She said, very hurt.
I hated seeing her that way but I had to face my loss.
"No! You seem like my real sister, you even talk and act like her.'re not really her." I said. "My real sister is dead, she's up in heaven some where, smiling down at me. You're an reincarnation of her that is why I can't accept it."
She still looked shocked.

"Stop treating me like a child! I am no longer a kid! STOP TOYING WITH ME!"
I lunged forward and grabbed her throat. She struggled against my grip but I was stronger than before. Her breaths were short as tears streamed down her face.
"M-Marisa what...are you doing...stop...!"

I strengthened my grip while tears streamed down my face as well.

My throat was very heavy. "I'm sorry!"
"I'm sorry....I'm sorry..."

Suddenly Anna's appearance changed and I was kneeling in front of my-self. An exact split image of my-self.
My doppelgänger lay there staring up at me.
"Why," it said.

Marisa sure likes to faint.
Promise it'll probably be a rare occurrence for now on. Just wanted her to clarify her own self from the past.
Dat escalated quickly.

Me: Hi guys haha I'm so sorry I don't update often
Readers: You lil crap its been months now
Me: Have mercy please I have children, well more like my phone and iPad....same thing!
Readers: Dieeeeeee
Me: Noooooooooo
*gets kicked in the face a bajillion times
Hehe any ways sorry guys I'm extremely busy this year, sorry for the long update...( ̄▽ ̄)

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