Adoption Day

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Looking out the window, staring at the raindrops that are falling down outside, I hear the witch we all call Mrs. Price call from the hall. "Girls, I want you downstairs in ten minutes. Please be dressed nicely." She only acts like that when someone comes to adopt. I turn to look at my friend Emily. "Well, looks like another disappointing interview for me..." I say as I start to look through my clothes. "Don't think like that Molly! This could be the one for you." She replies as she walks over to hug me. I turn to face her and give her a hug. I can see the tears in her eyes as she does. Emily is like me, been here since a young age and never had any luck with being adopted. We have been friends since the day that I arrived.

I go back to looking for things to wear. I pull out a You Me At Six T-shirt, black skinny jeans, a My Chemical Romance hoodie and my blue converses. I walk over to the mirror, put on the tiny bit of eyeliner and mascara that I wear, pick up my Fall Out Boy bracelets, and walk down the corridor. When I get to the hall, I see maybe 15 other girls stood in line, all waiting to meet whomever is adopting.

"Today we have four men who are looking to adopt a daughter. If you feel uncomfortable with this, can you please leave now." Mrs. Price asks. 9 girls get up and leave the hallway, leaving 6 of us standing there. "Right, Rachel. Please come with me." She says. I'm last in the queue.

"Molly, please come through." I'm startled by a voice, then I realise its Mrs. Price. I stand up and walk towards the door to which she is ushering me to enter. I push the door open, and stand in shock when I see who is sitting in the four chairs in front of me. "Oh. My. Gosh." I whisper as I sit down. "Hello!" One of them says. "I'm Pete Wentz, and these are my friends Patrick Stump, Andy Hurley and Joe Trohman." I look at the four of them in front of me, gently pinching my skin to see if this is a dream. When I'm sure its not, I mutter "I'm Molly. I know who all of you are. I'm such a huge fan of your band!"

"Really!? All the other girls didn't know who we were..." Says Patrick, with a smile across his face. "Well, tell us a bit about yourself. Hobbies, interests, musical preferences?" I tell them everything that they want to know. We talk for ages, then Mrs. Price walks in and tells me to leave the room so the gentlemen can make their decision. Just as I'm about to leave the door, Patrick goes "We don't need to think this through. We choose Molly."

I turn around and see Pete coming towards me with a smile plastered across his face. "Go pack your things, you're coming to live with us!" I nod, turn and run down the corridor to the shared room I stay in. Emily is sat waiting for me on her bed. "How did it go?" She asks with a smile. "They chose me! Emilay I'm being adopted!!" We squeal and hug for ages, then she helps me to pack all my things.

"Well, they must be desperate if they chose you! Why would anyone want you, Goth freak!" Says Chantelle as she walks over with Rachel. "Just because you are jealous that I'm being adopted for whom I am and not how pretty I look, doesn't mean you can be so horrible." I say as me and Emily walk past them to the door. "Sayonara, dorks!" I shout as I leave the room.

We get to the front door, and they are all stood there waiting for me. "You took your time!" Says Joe as they take my bags. "I wanted to make sure that I picked up everything and that I said goodbye to some really close friends..." I says as me and Emily laugh. "Don't forget me?!" She says as she starts to cry. "I won't. I will talk to you everyday, I promise!" I say, giving her one last hug. We say goodbye, then me and the boys head towards the car.

"You have a passport right?" Patrick asks me as we put all my bags in the boot. "Yes, why?" I ask as I get into the car. Joe and Andy are sat with me in the back, Patrick is in the passenger seat and Pete is driving. "Just wanted to make sure, that's all." Patrick says with a devious smile.

We pull out of the parking lot and drive towards the airport. I start to panic as we pull up in the car park. "Where are we going?" I ask in a worried tone. Pete looks at me, and can see that I'm worried. "Don't worry, we are taking you to come live with us in America!" Pete says all excited and happy.

We get in the airport and go through security checks, not being stopped once. After all the palava, we sit down and wait to board the plane. "I'm bored! Wanna play a game!?" Asks Andy, like a little child. "OK then. What game?" I ask, looking from Andy to Joe as they both start to giggle like children. "Let's play... TAG!!" He shouts as he tags Patrick. Patrick walks over to me, tags me, then runs to hide behind chairs. We get into a full blown game of tag, running around the waiting area.

When our flight is called, we board the plane. "That was fun!" I say to Pete as we walk onto the plane. "Good. I'm glad you are having fun, because we are going to make sure that you have the most amazing and fun time living with us!" Pete says as he puts our luggage above us in the compartment. "You can choose who you sit with." Andy says as he stand behind me with the others. "I think I will sit with Joe." I say. Joe comes over and sits with me.

After everyone has boarded, the pilot puts on the "fasten seatbelts" sign. "Joe, I have a slight confession" I say as we are taking off. "What is it?" He replies. "I've never been on a plane before. And I'm scared of heights!" I say with fear. My hands start to shake the higher we get, but Joe leans over and hugs me. "It'll be fine. Don't worry. I'm here, the others aren't far away. You will be OK!" He says, and reassures me that everything will be OK.

Once the plane has taken off, I open my eyes and look out the window. As soon as I do, I regret it. "Joe I'm gonna be sick!!" I say as I stand up and run to the bathroom. As soon as I get in there, I hear a knock at the door. "Molly, are you OK?" A very worried Patrick asks. I unlock the door so he can come in, but as soon as I turn my head back to the toilet, I throw up. He comes over and holds my hair back as I continue to throw up.

Once I finish, he helps me up and I clean myself up. "Are you OK?" He asks with a worried look on his face. "I don't deal with heights very well. I shouldn't have looked out the window! Once I saw how far everything was, I went dizzy and knew I was going to be sick." I say and pout my head in my hands. Patrick pulls me in for a hug. "Its OK, I'll get Joe to switch seats so you're not next to the window. Just make sure that next time, we aren't flying for 6 hours!" He says with a smile. I smile back and thank him for helping me, then we walk back to our seats. "Joe, can you swap seats with her?" Patrick asks. "Of course. Are you feeling OK now?" He asks me. I tell him I'm fine and sit down. This is going to be a very difficult flight....

OK this is my first time writing a book. I hope that you like it! There are many more parts, and I will be updating as frequently as I can! Thanks for reading!!! :-)

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