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"stop cowering and leave already" gyehyeon said while pushing dongheon outside the school door

"It's easy to you to say that,why don't you go and turn on the car instead of me"

"I wish but I can't drive, now go"

"Shhhh be quiet or else they'll pay attention" hoyoung whispered

"Who's gonna pay attention?"yeonho asked

"Nobody, just lower your head or else we'll be in trouble" minchan said to him as he pushed his head down

"Even if we stayed quiet now, everything is going to be ruined on a holy level as soon as dongheon gets out and starts screeching like a banshee"yongseung said while still crouching

"It's a defence mechanism"

"More like a suicide mechanism,now leave before I kick you"gyehyeon scream-whispered as he pushed dongheon with all his might as dongheon fought tooth and nail to stay inside

"Damn it those two are stubborn" minchan commented as he looked at them

"You tell me,and can you move away a little bit?, you're squeezing me" yongseung pushed minchan away

"All of us are crowded here, nobody's comfortable"

"Well it would be easier if a specific person decided to collect his courage and just leave to get the goddamn car" hoyoung looked at dongheon

"Okay okay I'll go"dongheon said and grabbed the shovel "minchan and gyehyeon you'll come with me"

"Wait why?" Minchan asked him in disbelief

"So we can ride and leave without problems,half at the parking lot and the other half at the school gate, let's hurry up"

"No Wait"minchan said as he stiffened

"What now?" Everybody started to lose their patience

"I need to prepare myself mentally"

"Seriously?I've been pushed by this guy for almost half an hour and you want to prepare yourself mentally?" Dongheon pointed at gyehyeon

"And I won't wait any of you anymore, move your asses and come with me to get this car" gyehyeon kicked minchan and shoved dongheon outside but as soon as gyehyeon stepped out he fell down and caused the rabids to look at him, which made the others faceplam quite hard

"Fuck fuck fuck"minchan cursed as he ran from the rabids

"Stop cursing and focus on running" dongheon yelled as he ran hysterically to the parking lot

"That's not the time of morals, life is more important" gyehyeon screamed and hit one of the rabids

They reached the parking lot and climbed over the fence,after that they inserted the key in the car but the door won't open

"why it won't open" dongheon spinned the key while panicking

"Try again" gyehyeon said said to him as he killed another rabid

"It's not working"

"Spin it to the other side" minchan yelled at him

"I'm trying I'm trying"

"Okay stop yelling"

"Let's break the glass"gyehyeon raised the shovel and minchan held him in time,but unfortunately it hit the side of the car which made the alarm go off and all the attention drift to them,during this time Hoyoung and yongseung were staring and wondering what's wrong with those three

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